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Location promotion brought 282 companies to Switzerland

Bern – Last year, location promotion brought 282 international companies to Switzerland. Compared to 2020, this is an increase of 62 companies. Geographically, these companies were previously located in the USA, Germany and France.

In addition, companies also settled without the help of the public, as the conference of cantonal economic directors announced on Wednesday.

Over 3500 new jobs expected in third year of operation
The companies brought into the country by national, cantonal and municipal economic development created 1,396 jobs in their first year of operation, an increase of almost 20 percent compared to 2020. For the third year of operation, the new settlers expected 3,566 new jobs, which corresponds to the level of the previous year.

Most branches with cantonal support were in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medtech sectors, as well as in the information and communication technology sector.

The conference of economic directors evaluates the current strategy for location promotion 2020 to 2023 as a half-way success. The focus is on future technologies and is aimed at innovative companies with high added value that also protect the environment. That has proven itself.

Location promotion is a joint task of the federal government and the cantons. Swiss Global Enterprise (S-GE), the organization for export and location promotion, places companies willing to settle in the regions and cantons on behalf of the public sector. Their offices, which are managed as “Swiss Business Hubs”, are part of the Swiss embassies or consulates general. (awp/mc/pg)

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