On Saturday morning, a disgruntled woman from Salzburg made the rounds on social media. She wanted to throw in her Salzburg-Gurgelt-PCR-Test at a supermarket in the Getreidegasse, but it was not open. Even in a second supermarket branch and a fast-food restaurant in the old town, the Salzburg resident said she could not find a throw-in box for her test sample.
The state of Salzburg confirmed on Saturday morning that there was a Spar branch that was not open on Christmas Day, but was on the list for the tests. I regret this mistake. At the same time, the country pointed out that there were no problems at the other stations.
Test opportunities for Christmas
In order to guarantee a test result by tomorrow, the tests have to be handed in before 9:00 a.m. Although the tests are also taken in the afternoon in a second round, there is no guarantee that the result will be there on time.
In absolute emergencies, the State of Salzburg refers to the emergency PCR test dates that have been set up. One could organize one by calling 1450. The state asks, however, to only use this option if it is absolutely necessary in order not to unnecessarily strain the rare test capacities.