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Local parties win in Groningen and Brabant redivision elections | NOW

In the Brabant towns of Oisterwijk, Vught and Boxtel, the local parties have made great profits in the municipal elections. A local party also made the biggest gains in the new Groningen municipality of Eemsdelta. The results were announced here around midnight. The municipality had local elections on Wednesday due to a municipal reorganization.

Wednesday’s elections are the first Dutch elections since the corona pandemic. It is still unclear whether the pandemic has affected, for example, the turnout rate.

The VVD and the Gemeente Belangen Party won in Oisterwijk, where they each got six seats. PRO, Algemeen Interest and CDA have obtained 3 seats and D66 has obtained 2 seats. 45 percent of the voters in this municipality showed up.

Municipal interests received the most votes in Vught and received six seats. D66 became the second largest with five seats and the combined list of PvdA and Groenlinks, as well as the VVD, received four seats. The CDA got three and the SP got 1. 51 percent of those entitled to vote showed up.

BALANS became the largest party in Boxtel. However, no seat allocation has been announced here yet, that will only come on Friday. Combinatie95 ended in second place, followed by the CDA, PvdA / GroenLinks, the VVD, the SP, and D66. INbox ended at the bottom. The turnout percentage in Boxtel was approximately 47 percent.

Local Interest Eemsdelta leaves competition far behind

Local Interest Eemsdelta managed to win eleven seats in Eemsdelta, leaving the competition far behind. The PvdA took five seats. ChristenUnie, VVD and CDA won three and Groenlinks and Gemeentebelangen Eemsdelta won two seats. About 44 percent of those entitled to vote showed up.

From 1 January, Boxtel, Vught and Oisterwijk will be slightly larger due to the division of the municipality of Haaren. Oisterwijk gets the village of Haaren, Boxtel gets Esch and Vught gets Helvoirt. The Groningen municipality of Eemsdelta consists of Delfzijl, Appingedam and Loppersum.

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