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Local medicine: here is the Covid clinic

Recalling the dramatic experience of last spring, Asst Franciacorta entrusted Dr. Giuseppe Solazzi, social and health director, with the project of the Ait (Territorial Nursing Clinic) to solve one of the most distressing problems of the pandemic. “The drama of those who could not find answers to the request for a visit for themselves or for family members with fever, flu or symptoms of Covid will not be repeated – explained Solazzi and Dr. Alessandra Ramera, head of the AIT in Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 25 -. The clinic designed and launched in Chiari is one of the first regional experiences to offer hospitality and answers not only for Covid. From Monday to Saturday, from 8 to 20, a health worker present will provide information by telephone, by answering the number 030/7103050 or by e-mail addressed to [email protected]. (…)

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Giancarlo Chiari

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