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Local hospital: understanding and committing to labeling

Health – Hygiene and public sanitation

Written by ID CiTé on 02/14/2022

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News - Local hospital: understanding and committing to labeling

The labeling of local hospitals is one of the keys to consolidating the healthcare offer in the territories.

ANAP provides two new publications:
– A summary booklet “All about labeling” which presents the labeling process, its objective and its general operation.
– An operational guide “Local hospital: labeling step by step” which is a help for compiling your labeling file.

A corpus of appendices completes the operational guide

Who are these productions for?
These publications are intended for teams of health establishments who have decided to apply for the “local hospital” label. They are a help in understanding the issues and compiling the file to be submitted to their Regional Health Agency


Complete file

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