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Local game developers led by foreign developers at IGDX 2022

BALI, KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) together with the Indonesian Game Association (AGI) reorganized the Indonesia Game Developer Exchange (IGDX). IGDX 2022 This event will be held today, Friday (14/10/2022) until October 16 in Bali.

One of the series of activities in this event is IGDX Academy. Through IGDX Academy, developers (developer) Local games will undergo training led directly by local and foreign mentors with experience in the gaming industry.

This year’s IGDX Academy was attended by 36 participants (developers) who were divided into two categories, i.e. 15 participants at intermediate and another 21 level push forward.

4 Happy studyone of the developers who took part in IGDX 2022 Academy tell the story. 4Happy Studio itself is a local Batam developer included in the level category push forward.

Rafi, a representative of 4Happy Studio, shared his experience during the mentoring session at this year’s IGDX Academy.

Read also: 36 Indonesian game developers trained by foreign and local mentors at IGDX 2022

Rafi admitted that he first heard about the IGDX 2022 event from the community, then immediately registered via the official IGDX 2022 website after meeting certain conditions.

“There are some conditions. The studio must be legal before and at least two years of play developerRafi said.

photo" data-photolink="http://tekno.kompas.com/image/2022/10/14/19300077/cerita-pengembang-game-lokal-yang-dibimbing-developer-asing-di-igdx-2022?page=2" style="float: left;padding: 0 20px 20px 0;max-width: 100%;width:300px">KOMPAS.com/Kevin Rizky Pratama Rafi, a representative of Batam game developer 4Happy who attended the IGDX Academy mentoring event at the IGDX 2022 event.

Under terms and conditions, participants who enter the category intermediate covers developer games that have been going through the game development process for less than two years.

On the other hand, the level category push forward filled with the names of game developers who are more advanced because they have spent more than two years developing games.

Additionally, game developers who register for IGDX Academy 2022 will be curated and will receive announcements regarding mentor names who will provide guidance individually. on line.

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