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Local election Darmstadt: First polls – tendency is emerging

  • fromTim Vincent Thick

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In Hesse, local elections will take place in mid-March. Many citizens in Darmstadt apparently rely on postal voting.

  • Im March 2021 finds the Local election in Hesse instead of. Many voters want to vote by postal vote.
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Darmstadt – on March 14th, 2021 in Darmstadt elected. Numerous candidates stand up to the electorate to participate in the Local election to move into the city council or the local council. Weeks before Hessen election there is a clear trend in voting behavior. Numerous citizens apply for documents for the Postal vote.

In Darmstadt 19,000 postal ballot papers were issued within one week. “This is already a significant increase compared to the total number of postal voters at the Local election 2016“Announced the city.

Local elections in Darmstadt – clear tendency towards postal votes

Compared to the 2016 local elections, the numbers are significantly higher. At that time, only 12,400 voters applied for postal votes in Darmstadt. A spokesman for the city told the “German Press Agency” that “the need for advice has increased” when the postal votes rushed. Numerous citizens would do this for the first time in their lives Postal vote use, it was said. Similar survey developments can be seen in the municipal elections in Frankfurt or the municipal elections in Wiesbaden.

The background to this voting behavior is apparently the special conditions under which the Local election 2021 in Hessen takes place. Due to the circulating corona virus, many voters prefer to vote from home. (FR)

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