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Local council saws off monument in Esselbach

Whether musicians, painters or actors: The Corona crisis also hits artists hard. Events canceled, performances canceled, exhibitions closed. Now the Esselbach community has also overturned a project: They would rather save the money for a planned work of art “in times of Corona”. This was decided by the municipal councils in the non-public part of their most recent meeting.

Since the excavators are already rolling in several places in Esselbach, the municipality would also like to beautify the fallow area opposite the old school in the Kredenbach district. Citizens should meet there, sit under trees and start talking. A path will lead from the newly designed square to the “Weed” leisure area.

The artist’s suggestions fell through in the local council

Actually, according to the plan, a memorial should also commemorate the history of the Kredenbach district on the square in order to “contribute a little to the lost identity of the Kredenbachers,” said Mayor Richard Roos.

The local council asked sculptor Thomas Reuter from Winterhausen to present his ideas. The trained stonemason was once chairman of the professional association of visual artists in Lower Franconia. Reuters plants are located in Ochsenfurt, Sommerhausen and Winterhausen, Kreuzwertheim, Würzburg, Nuremberg and Munich, among others.

His first suggestion was a barrier made of red sandstone and white marble to refer to the earlier importance of Kredenbach as a customs post. The motive fell through in the local council. Reuter’s second proposal dealt with the craft of the hoop tailors. They made wooden hoops that held barrels together. Five rings in different sizes and colors, which indicate a barrel, should indicate this tradition in the place.

“Art is valuable and needs its place.”

Thomas Reuter, sculptor

This time the local council not only rejected the proposal, but also spoke out against a monument on the square. “In times of Corona, the space will be laid out next year according to the original plan, but without a work of art. The money will be saved,” said Roos when asked by this editorial team.

The property would have cost around 9500 euros and 80 percent would have been funded by the Office for Rural Development. The community would have had to pay 1900 euros, plus 300 euros that the artist received for his designs; also together a comparatively tiny amount in a household of around six million euros.

Reuter cannot understand that suddenly there should be no work of art on the square: “I find it very regrettable to leave out the art entirely.” The local council lacked the will to deal more deeply with its ideas and the courage to make a decision and to represent it externally.

Missed the chance to design the place artistically

“This is a very bad sign, especially in times of Corona, when art is pretty short anyway,” says Reuter. The local council carelessly gave up the chance to design this area artistically. “Art is valuable and needs its place,” warns Reuter. He is also annoyed with himself: “I should have said it clearly beforehand: This is how I work, this is how I do it. Is that what you want?”

Of course, there was no lack of commitment by the artist, Roos also thought, and in an interview with this editorial team again praised Reuter’s “inspiring presentation”. He emphasizes that the committee’s decision against a work of art was made “not for reasons of content”, but because the council had previously decided on higher club funding.

At Kredenbacher Platz it remains with bushes, trees, benches and the way to the “weed”. According to Roos, work on redesigning it should begin in spring.

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