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Loans and non-repayable loans for businesses

Currently, there are numerous loans and non-repayable loans for businesses. Just think that the final text of decree Relaunch, which includes, in fact, various aid to companies. These are non-repayable contributions that can be recognized to companies, whose revenues do not exceed 5 million in the previous tax period. Then we have the reduction of electricity bills. Finally, instruments are envisaged for strengthening the assets of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). The the latest news arrived in August, so let’s see, with the related updates, what are the loans in progress.

To whom are the loans and non-repayable loans directed

These are loans and loans granted without any obligation to repay capital or interest. In other words, you can achieve a certain sum of money with no obligation to return. But let’s see who they are aimed at and what are the conditions for obtaining them. The main categories to which non-repayable loans are intended are: i unemployed, i Young people, the women and the start up. In addition, there are also funds intended for companies already in place, which decide to invest in strategic sectors, such as agriculture and technological innovation.

Providing bodies

Loans and non-repayable loans for businesses, by whom are they disbursed? The providers are generally l’European Union, the State, the Regions and i Common. As regards the former, it is necessary to consult the notices on the European Union website. However, most non-repayable loans are issued by the state, through Invitalia, which is the Agency for Development in Italy. Then with are those provided by the Municipalities and especially by the Regions. The latter are the so-called European Structural Funds, which are disbursed by European bodies and distributed by the Regions.

Among the main calls currently active are:

Horizon 2019, for SMEs and individuals, active in the Calabria Region, in the consulting and services sector. The grant is 75%. Then, we have the NIDI call, for the Puglia Region, which ensures a subsidized rate loan and a grant for the creation of start-ups and self-employment. The loan covers equipment, machinery, business start-up, construction and plant works, innovation and research. Then, in Lazio, we have a non-repayable grant of up to 3000 euros for the start-up of start-ups. Recipients are micro-enterprises, individuals and SMEs. The contribution is aimed at starting the business. Then, we have the Start & Growth call in Liguria, with which up to 4,777.23 euros are financed to support employment and business startups. The recipients are the same as in the aforementioned call. The expenses that can be financed, on the other hand, are: consultancy services, building works and plants, start-up activities, equipment and machinery.

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