Home » today » Business » Loan without WIBOR? The court reversed the decision. The installment is “increased” by 5 thousand. z³

Loan without WIBOR? The court reversed the decision. The installment is “increased” by 5 thousand. z³

In November, the Katowice District Court issued a groundbreaking decision on a PLN loan. “Zlotwy mortgage it was completely private LIBOR-in. Thanks to this installment of this credit will drop from nearly 6.7 thousand. PLN to about 1.7 thousand. zlotys. Bank has no right to add WIBOR to the interest rate” – informed the law firm Radosław Górski i Wspólnicy.

There was supposed to be a revolution, but the court upheld the bank’s complaint. Loan again with WIBOR

It should be emphasized, however, that the so-called guarantee the claim. This it meansThat the mortgage payment has in fact decreased by 5 thousand. PLN, but only until the final conclusion of the case. – This is not a court verdict or any court decision to remove WIBOR. This is an injunctive measure that provisionally regulates the methods of liquidation of the disputed liability pending the conclusion of the trial – Tadeusz Białek, vice president of the Polish Banking Association, explained in an interview with Gazeta.pl.

The first loan without WIBOR for the duration of the process. ZBP: Extreme abuse

There was a turning point on Friday. Radosław Górski i Wspólnicy law office informed him The District Court of Katowice upheld the bank’s complaint against the previous decision and reversed the decision to suspend the repayment of WIBOR. “One of the judges of the Katowice District Court was therefore in favor of granting the security, but the judge of the same court who heard the complaint was of a different opinion,” the law firm’s statement reads. The court made that decision December 22nd.

Read more about finance you can read on the main page of Gazeta.pl

What does it mean? “The decision to secure credit does not exist in legal transactions and has no effect. Therefore, borrowers are obliged to make further repayments credit under existing conditions, i.e. by including the WIBOR key reference index in the loan installment” – Tadeusz Białek, vice president of the Polish Banking Association, explained in a press release.

Learn more about credit and LIBOR-u we wrote in the following article:

The Moko Botanika residential complex at ul.  Boxing in Służewiec.  90 percent of the premises were purchased by Heimstaden, an operator of institutional rental apartments.WIBOR temporarily “written off” from the loan. Is it a breakthrough for borrowers?

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