71 percent yes share: loan for the new construction of the Dohlenzelg school complex clearly approved
On Sunday, May 14th, the population of Windisch voted. What Mayor Heidi Ammon says about the result and why she is not surprised by the low turnout.
The start of construction for the new school complex in Dohlenzelg is expected to be in February 2024. The new facility should be ready for occupancy in summer 2025.
In addition to Mother’s Day, the most recent voting result should also be celebrated in Windisch on May 14th. The commitment loan of CHF 35.68 million for the new construction of the Dohlenzelg school complex was accepted with 924 yes to 372 no votes. The voters are thus following the decision of the residents’ council, which also clearly approved the loan in January 2023.

Heidi Ammon, Mayor of Windisch.
“We are very happy that the result is so clear,” says Mayor Heidi Ammon about the yes share of 71 percent. This is a good basis for starting the construction process. On its website, the municipality lists the next steps of the project as follows: the building application is to be submitted in August 2023, the start of construction is scheduled for February 2024 and the move into the new building in summer 2025. Demolition and completion of the surrounding area are to be completed in summer 2026.
The new building with double gymnasium and integrated kindergarten will have twice as much classroom space as the previous facility.
Voter turnout was low at around 28 percent. However, this does not surprise Heidi Ammon. Voter turnout is usually rather low in votes on less controversial issues.
2023-05-14 10:16:30
#Windisch #Loan #accepted #construction #Dohlenzelg #school #complex