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Loan case: they are following the trail of the shirt with blood

Almost three months after Loan Danilo Peña disappeared, investigators found a shirt with blood stains, two burlap bags and a bucket with possible traces of blood in the orange grove where the boy was last seen. Meanwhile, lawyer Fernando Burlando shared his main suspicion about the boy’s whereabouts and stressed that he was taken away.
The discovery of the clothes and objects, which could give an important twist to the case, took place during an operation carried out by the authorities. In this regard, sources of the case indicated that the shirt found is an adult’s shirt, white, with short sleeves, black stripes on the sides and the Nike logo. The investigators requested an analysis to compare the blood traces with Loan’s DNA and determine if the person wearing the clothing is linked to the disappearance of the child.
Meanwhile, one of the burlap bags contained animal feed with the inscription “Alberto Pietro concentration bovine line.” A second bag was also found inside with red stains, which are suspected to be blood, so it will also be analyzed to determine whether or not it corresponds to the boy.
A human footprint was also found in the mud near the orange grove. The mark belongs to an adult and the type of footwear that could have left it is being investigated.
All this information comes 73 days after Loan’s disappearance, who was last seen at lunch with his father at his grandmother Catalina’s house. The searches since then have been carried out by the Corrientes Police, through the Federal Police and the National Gendarmerie, and nothing of this has been found or at least it has not been made public.


Amid the intense search for Loan, Burlando shared his main suspicion about the boy’s whereabouts, noting that he was taken away. “I have no doubt that it is a matter of trafficking,” said the lawyer, who suggested that the boy could have been taken to Brazil.
Along these lines, the lawyer, who represents Loan’s family, questioned the Corrientes authorities for minimizing the existence of trafficking in the province and raised the possibility that the child is involved in a trafficking network for pedophilia or that he was taken to a family due to the media impact of the case.
In statements during the program La Noche de Mirtha broadcast by El Trece, Burlando criticized the governor of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés, for his comments during the investigation, insinuating that there could be hidden interests. The lawyer also expressed his own doubts about Pérez, while he disassociated Catalina Peña, the boy’s grandmother, from any responsibility in the disappearance.

Mobilization is being prepared, with mass included

Next Thursday, the 29th, a new mobilization will be held in the city of Corrientes demanding the return of the five-year-old boy, Loan Peña, from the town of 9 de Julio.
The march will start at 7 p.m. from Plaza Cabral, to participate in a mass that will be held at 8 p.m. at the Nuestra Señora de la Merced church, which is a novelty for the marches in the Capital, since until now a religious temple had not been the epicenter of the citizen protest.
It is worth remembering that last Friday a mass rally was held in Plaza de Mayo, Capital Federal.
José Peña, one of the minor’s brothers, led the protest in Buenos Aires together with neighbors from the city and others from the suburbs and the interior who traveled especially to accompany him in the demonstration.
Many of those who came to the Plaza de Mayo accompanied the minor’s brother and showed their affection by hugging him and gave a message of support to José Peña. In addition, some people came with signs that said: “Loan is everyone’s son,” “We are all Loan” and “Bring Loan back.”
In this regard, Loan’s brother confirmed to the press that the lawyer Fernando Burlando will continue to represent the family in the case, while he said about Mariano Peña: “You have to ask him why he has another sponsor.”
“We will not stop looking for Loan,” said José amid the affection of the crowd and said that “an Argentine is missing.”
It is worth remembering that Loan’s aunt, Laudelina Peña; Antonio Benítez; Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez; the former municipal official, María Victoria Caillava, and her husband, the former Navy captain, Carlos Pérez; Mónica Millapi and the former police commissioner, Walter Maciel, remain in custody.
They all remain charged with the alleged abduction and concealment of the child who has been missing since June 13.


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