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Loan calculator from Stiftung Warentest – Schmeer Immobilienentwicklung und -vermarktung GmbH

Date: 26.08.2021

Home financing: Loan calculator from Stiftung Warentest

The conditions for real estate financing are still favorable: low interest rates often offset rising real estate prices. Choosing the credit institution can save buyers a lot of money. In a current article, Stiftung Warentest shows the possibilities.

Step by step to the loan

The experts at Stiftung Warentest guide the reader to the best possible real estate financing in twelve stages. Here you can calculate how expensive the property can be and what loan amount or monthly installment is affordable. In addition, Stiftung Warentest provides the interest rates of a total of 70 banks, credit brokers and insurers – updated monthly. In addition, there is an overview of KfW loans (e.g. for energy-saving construction and modernization), which is continuously updated.

Big differences in terms

While interest rates rose significantly in the first half of the year, they are now stagnating or have even fallen – on average by around a tenth of a percentage point. Loans with a ten-year fixed interest rate are currently available from the cheapest providers from an effective interest rate of a good 0.5 percent, the safer variant with a 20-year fixed interest rate from 1 percent, according to the Stiftung Warentest. At the same time, she points out the almost unchanged high interest rate differentials at the banks: 90 percent financing with a 270,000-euro loan and 20 years of fixed interest rates costs around 37,750 euros in the best case. At the most expensive bank it is 69,700 euros.

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