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LNOB will introduce children and young people to the art of opera and ballet / Day in videos

Both videos were made by director Elita Bukovska. They are made with the programs of the State Cultural Capital Fund Culture ELPA support.

Videofilmā In the world of ballet Under the guidance of prima ballerina Elza Leimane, spectators will be able to look at the ballet training class, get to know various ballet movements – from the simplest to those that can be performed only by the brightest masters, as well as hear stories about ballet history. Ballet dancers Jūlija Brauere, Ieva Rācene, Annija Kopštāle, Sabīne Strokša, Kārlis Cīrulis, Dariuss Florians Katana and concertmaster Natālija Dirvuka participate in the training lesson. The film will be attractive to anyone who wants to get to know the beautiful art of ballet. In the world of ballet consists of video artist Zane Zelmene, cameraman and editing director Jānis Ķeris, lyricists Gunta Bāliņa and Elza Leimane, sound directors Krišs Veismanis and Klāvs Siliņš. Video film In the world of ballet intended for viewers from the age of ten.


Concert film The Magic Door at the Opera Through the popular melodies of the composer Arvīds Žilinska, the youngest audience will be introduced to the behind-the-scenes opera, leading to a workshop for tailors and decorators, a make-up room, a ballet hall, an orchestra pit and other places in the Opera House. Opera singers Ilona Bagele, Inga Šļubovska-Kancēviča, Laura Bulava, Evija Martinsone, Krišjānis Norvelis, Kalvis Kalniņš, Rihards Millers, Juris Ādamsons, flutist Miks Vilsons, concertmaster Ilze Ozoliņa and baletist Ilze Ozoliņa have different images. Their interpretation includes songs by Arvīds Žilinska’s children and stories about making shows. 3D animation plays an important role in the film. The Magic Door at the Opera consists of video artist Zane Zelmene, cameraman Uģis Ezerietis, musical director Ilze Ozoliņa, costume designer Kristīne Jurjāne, lyricist Laura Leimane, sound directors Krišs Veismanis and Klāvs Siliņš. In December The Magic Door at the Opera will also turn into a concert show, which will be shown in the LNOB New Hall. The Magic Door at the Opera suitable for viewers between the ages of three and twelve.

“When there are no performances, our audience can feel present in a ballet training class, where we can see our leading ballet soloists and current and upcoming premieres. was a work in an unusual format, which we hope will be appreciated by the audience, “says director Elita Bukovska.


Movies will be available on the site opera.lv, when purchasing ticket codes Ticket paradises website. The price of the code is 7 euros, after activating the code you can watch the movie for 72 hours.

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