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LNG terminal, Toti ‘if Via Positive take note of it in Vado’

(ANSA) – GENOA, APR 29 – For the environmental impact assessment on the transfer of the Golar Tundra regasification ship from Piombino to Vado Ligure (Savona) “I hope that the Ministry of the Environment will take the necessary time, the indispensable but necessary minimum and that the ruling finally dispels all the rumours, little voices, malevolent whispers, which poison a debate which has no sense in existing”. This was declared by the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, government commissioner for the transfer of the Golar Tundra regasification ship from Piombino to Vado Ligure, on the sidelines of an institutional visit on board the Olt offshore Fsru regasification ship ‘Toscana’, undergoing extraordinary maintenance at the San Giorgio shipyards in the port of Genoa. “I hope that the same people, especially representatives of the institutions that must trust the republican institutions, therefore all the guarantee bodies, once they have read the opinions, if they are positive, will take note of them with loyal collaboration, honor and the respect that Italian laws attribute to every public official”, highlights Toti. “The regasification ship in Genoa for work is different from the one that is possible arriving in Liguria: – he explains – I say ‘possible’ because we are waiting for the outcome of the road from the Ministry of the Environment, on which the timing depends and it would be unfair to express ourselves before that technicians and experts have had their say. It is a complex procedure, many very important bodies will express their opinion, from Ispra, which is the highest institution in environmental impact assessments, to the Higher Institute of Health, from the port authorities to the police. fire and many others.” (HANDLE).

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– 2024-04-30 09:59:26

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