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Livinhac-le-Haut. Olt’His on the way to new adventures!

It is with haste and a lot of excitement that the associative world is gradually emerging from its lethargy. This is the case with the cultural and heritage association, Olt’His, which was able to organize its general assembly last Tuesday.

After the traditional financial, activity and moral reports, it was a question of perspectives and projects and it was good for everyone to feel this desire, this dynamic reawakening.

Finally being able to plan and work together!

Here are the first appointments:

– At the end of July, on the theme of the “Jacquaire year”, the exhibition of paintings by Didier Augey will be installed in the cultural space.

– On September 5, the Boucle d’Art biennial will reinstall its artists in the gardens of the heart of the village.

– The heritage circuit of the village will be reactivated and updated.


The twenty or so members present then voted on to form a new bureau, the composition of which is as follows:

President: Marc Porte

Treasurers: Françoise Charpentier – Marie-Christine Grès

Secretaries: Mireille Mas – Jacqueline Malicornet

Members: Michèle Aureillan – Marie-Claire Cournède – Martine Joffre – Jacquie Porte – Marie-Hélène Tarrier – Laurence Wenzek

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