Home » today » World » Livia Brito uses Women’s Day for an animal cause: they spread her online – 2024-03-11 22:23:08

Livia Brito uses Women’s Day for an animal cause: they spread her online – 2024-03-11 22:23:08

Cuban actress Livia Brito faces harsh criticism after this March 8, during the commemoration of International Women’s Day, she raised her voice for a cause in favor of animals.

The protagonist of The Pilottook advantage of the date to advocate in favor of cows, and ask that they stop exploiting them for the consumption of their milk, giving a certain humanization to these animals and explaining how their calves are taken away from them and they are kept in the confinement to obtain liquid food.

Despite the noble intentions of the campaign supported by Brito, many criticized the actress online, considering that 8M was the place and time to talk about a cause that was more ecological and animalistic, than about a gender problem like It was the end of the day.

And among the various social problems that imply inequality, such as the wage gap, the limitations of job opportunities, and especially in Latin America, gender violence and femicides that plague all countries, the date was intended to raise awareness regarding the situation of women in the world.

The actress not only explicitly used 8M for her cause, but also a strategy used in the dissemination of cases of domestic violence, by appearing in a video with her face “beaten”, but instead of representing a woman, it is assumed that I was personifying one of those animals.

“Cows, like any other female mammal, need to be pregnant to produce milk, milk that is intended solely to nourish their babies, not humans. However, this does not happen. The way cows live is devastating, and neither they nor anyone else deserves to go through that. I ask you to reflect and stop consuming dairy products forever,” she expressed.

The publication on his Instagram account attracted attention, not only because of the date on which he chose to join the campaign, but because veterinarians and livestock experts questioned the veracity of his statements, calling them “fallacies.”

As someone who suffered domestic and sexual violence first handit was expected that the actress would have a greater perspective on the importance of International Women’s Day, which seeks to make visible and eradicate this violence in all its forms.

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