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Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp thrilled by Bundesliga restart – Bundesliga

Praise from Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp (52).

The former BVB coach watched the restart of the Bundesliga last weekend with great interest. “The games were really good: super goals, real fight, tight games,” Klopp told club media. “In Germany, many teams are concerned with everything, they want to stay in the league. The same will happen in England. “

He also sees the Bundesliga as a role model for the Premier League. “It looks as if it would be possible again soon – and in Germany it is already possible – to play without spectators.” On Tuesday the return to training in small groups is pending.

Klopp: “I really like to be at home with Ulla and have time for various things, but I’m a football coach and I want to be with the boys. The fact that football is about to make a comeback is also a good signal for people. ”

He was impressed by values ​​such as the mileage of the players in the Bundesliga, said Klopp. “The teams ran 117 or 118 kilometers without anyone cheering them on. Just because you want it, because you do it for your teammates. That is exactly what we have to do, ”he said. Without the fans, his team would lack “the best ass kick in the world at the right moment”.

The return after the Corona break was “a bit like a return after an injury for his players at the Premier League leaders. The boys are fit when you look at their endurance – they could probably run a marathon – but when you play football again you can see how different it is. “

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