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Live with or eliminate it? The relevant “zero Covid” strategy? France at the time of debate!

The virus has been raging in France for over a year now. The government’s position is on a ridge line between health and the economy. But experts believe that in the long run, the economic damage will be greater if drastic measures are not taken immediately. Indeed, the so-called “zero Covid” strategy is not the one that France favors. The objective is rather to “live with the virus” and to tighten the measures in the event of acceleration of the pandemic. But with the arrival of variants on French territory, experts are calling for a radical change of method.

Towards a change of course to manage the pandemic?

The “zero Covid” strategy normally works in limited areas, for example on islands. Tracing is also essential in this method. At the slightest focus of infection, short-term confinements prevent the proliferation of the virus. For this strategy to be effective in France, some experts say it is too late. Because the daily cases of contamination are too high (20,000 declared on average). In addition, it would be necessary to cooperate in unison with all European territories for it to be effective. Nonetheless, supporters of this “zero Covid” strategy believe it is relevant to contain the proliferation of variants. The debate is therefore reopened.

Should the virus be eradicated?

The French government wishes to spare the hospital systems as much as the economy of the country. Likewise, the psychological impact of a new confinement on the population would be terrible. However, specialists in favor of this drastic strategy believe that the damage will be less in the long term. Because in the long term, the government’s strategy could actually have more negative consequences. In The world, doctors, economists and political scientists say they are in favor of a radical change of method.

Government policy does not resonate in coherence with a “zero Covid” strategy

The virus has been part of our lives for over a year now. With confinement, curfew, wearing of masks and closure of restaurants, bars and cultural places in particular. According to specialists who call for the “zero Covid” strategy, a drastic re-containment is popular. And others punctual and limited in time and by zone as soon as new outbreaks appear. They feel that the government’s strategy only delays the worst-case scenario. But Jean Castex nevertheless clarified that the government’s instruction is to do everything to avoid it. Everything is then focused on massive screening, while waiting for the vaccines to permanently slow down the circulation of the virus.

More and more specialists are sounding the alarm

The platform offered by The world a this group of specialists highlights the different methods available to France in the face of the health crisis. Eliminating the virus rather than living with it is indeed a tempting solution. But it will result in drastic measures and much more restrictive than those currently in place. Indeed, the general curfew throughout the territory from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. serves as a sort of alleviation of confinement. But will its effectiveness be sufficiently convincing to relate the circulation of variants of the virus? The case of the Moselle raises questions. Because Brazilian and South African variants are identified, without additional measures being taken by the government.

The watchword remains vaccination and therefore living with the virus. While for supporters of the “zero Covid” strategy, containment is the most suitable solution. And the more it will be “strict and general, the more it will be short and effective” underlines the epidemiologist Antoine Flahaut. Especially since vaccination coverage will take time to reach 50% of the population, necessary according to experts to prevent a resurgence of cases of contamination with the virus.

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