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Live Weather Forecast: Strong Storms Expected in France – July 15-16, 2022

From Saturday July 15 at 12:00 p.m. to Sunday July 16 at 9:00 a.m.

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A very dynamic depression is circulating from the British Isles to the North Sea. The associated disturbance causes a short but strong stormy episode from the south of the Massif Central to the North-East and over the Center-East of France between Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, in contact with the very hot air which rises from the Sahara. and cooler ocean air.


This Saturday

At 3 p.m., the storm front is weakened for the moment. Ahead of this front, the heat continues to increase with 36°C in Grenoble, 33°C in Lyon and Colmar, 32°C in Chambéry and Dole.

At 12 p.m, stormy instability is still present from Limouisn to Lorraine. At the front, from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to Franche-Comté in the Grand-Est, it is very hot with already more than 30°C between Strasbourg, Grenoble, Lyon or Saint-Etienne.

At 9 a.m., the depression responsible for Saturday’s deterioration in France is located in Scotland. It is very unusual for the season, by its deepening (989 hPa) and by its extent to most of the North Atlantic. It causes stormy showers from Burgundy to the Ardennes, temporarily sustained. In Luthenay (58), 18 mm of rain has just fallen in the space of 1 hour


At the end of the afternoonthunderstorms are strengthening in a mass of very hot air from the south of the Massif Central to Lorraine.

This evening, these storms are progressing eastward, stretching from the north of the Massif Central to the north of Alsace, passing through Auvergne and Burgundy.

In the night from Saturday to Sundaythese thunderstorms extend from the east of Auvergne and from the north of Rhône-Alpes to Franche-Comté in Alsace.

Sunday morningthe strongest thunderstorms broke out from the Jura to the north of Rhône-Alpes before evacuating towards Italy and Switzerland before 9 a.m.

During this brief, very stormy episode, we expect:

– a high risk of hail (5 cm in diameter) from the north of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to Burgundy-Franche-Comté, as far as Lorraine and Alsace.
– powerful downbursts of up to 80 km/h
– 20 to 40 mm of water in 1 hour, which can lead to risks of local flooding

List of departments concerned

01 – Ain

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

03 – Combine

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

15 -Cantal

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

21 – Côte-d’Or

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

25 – Doubs

Thunderstorms – Orange Alert

39 – Jura

Thunderstorms – Orange Alert

42 – Loire

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

43 – Upper Loire

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

52 – Haute-Marne

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

54 – Meurthe-et-Moselle

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

57 – Moselle

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

58 – Nievre

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

63 – Puy de Dome

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

67 – Lower Rhine

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

68 – Upper Rhine

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

69 – Rhône

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

70 – Haute-Saone

Thunderstorms – Orange Alert

71 – Saone-et-Loire

Thunderstorms – Orange Alert

88 – Vosges

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

90 – Territory of Belfort

Thunderstorms – Significant Risk

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