Referee ends the game
Substitution/substitution, Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare replaced by Sklkim Bajrami
Substitution/substitution, Martigny-Sports
Mathieu Nigro replaced by Mala Baro
Gate Servette
Torschütze Mohamed-Salah Chaïbi (Penalty)
Gate Servette
Goalscorer Christopher Routis
Corner right Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Warning Gerson Ferreira Rebelo (Martigny-Sports)
Parade links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Low shot left Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Harouna Sissoko
Throw-in own half of the field – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Warning Sékou Coumare (Martigny-Sports)
rough game
Free kick right Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Throw-in own half of the pitch – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Throw-in own half of the pitch – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Abstoss Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Torchance Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Free kick left Servette
Teaches Zuka
Throw-in half opponent – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Substitution/substitution, Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta replaced by Alessio Schuermann
Goal shot Servette
Christopher Routis
Goal shot left Martigny-Sports
Harouna Sissoko
Shot on goal Martigny Sports
Kenan Samardzic
Goal chance Servette
Lois Ndema Change
Throw in your own half of the pitch – Servette on the right
Oscar Cavazzana
Free kick right Martigny Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Offside Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Free kick right Servette
Christopher Routis
Free kick Martigny Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Substitution/substitution, Martigny-Sports
Carlos Alberto Da Graca Oliveira ersetzt durch Harouna Sissoko
Substitution Servette
Tiemoko Ouattara was replaced by Rayan Benammar
Free kick Martigny Sports
Max Melly
Warning Oscar Cavazzana (napkin)
rough game
Parade rechts Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Goal chance Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Throw-in half opponent – right Servette
Teaches Zuka
Free kick right Servette
Christopher Routis
Offside Martigny-Sports
Kenan Samardzic
Throw-in half opponent – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Throw-in half opponent – left Servette
Teaches Zuka
Substitution Servette
Bastian Martinez replaced by Tychique Ndilu
Substitution Servette
Patrick Ludwig Weber Taveira replaced by Bastian Martinez
Substitution Servette
Bastian Martinez replaced by Adriatik Salihi
Gate Servette
Goalscorer Mohamed Salah Chaïbi
Parade rechts Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Goal chance right Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Free kick Servette
Christopher Routis
Verwarnung Lucas Rafael Brochas Saraiva (Martigny-Sports)
rough game
Parade links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Goal chance Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Free kick Martigny Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Throw-in half opponent – left Servette
Teaches Zuka
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Throw in your own half of the pitch – Servette on the left
Teaches Zuka
Goal shot Servette
Jarell Njiké Simo
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Torchance links Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Torchance links Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Referee ends the 1st half at break
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Kenan Samardzic
Throw-in half opponent – left Servette
Samuel Fankhauser
Free kick left Servette
Lois Ndema Change
Free kick Servette
Teaches Zuka
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Corner right Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Free kick Servette
Christopher Routis
Tor Martigny-Sports
Goalscorer Jules Masciotta
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Abstoss Servette
Christopher Routis
Throw-in half opponent – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Throw-in half opponent – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Free kick in the middle of Servette
Jarell Njiké Simo
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Marko Obradovic
Free kick right Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Goal chance in the middle of Servette
Patrick Ludwig Weber Taveira
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Offside Martigny-Sports
Kenan Samardzic
Offside Napkin
Bastian Martinez
Free kick Servette
Jarell Njiké Simo
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Throw-in own half of the pitch – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Abstoss Servette
Christopher Routis
Gate Servette
Goalscorer Patrick Ludwig Weber Taveira
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Free kick left Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Marko Obradovic
Throw-in own half of the pitch – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Shot on goal Martigny Sports
Carlos Alberto Da Graca Oliveira
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Abstoss Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Torchance Martigny-Sports
Carlos Alberto Da Graca Oliveira
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Throw-in half opponent – left Servette
Teaches Zuka
Throw-in own half of the pitch – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Abstoss Servette
Christopher Routis
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Throw-in half opponent – left Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Throw-in half opponent – left Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Free kick left Martigny Sports
Jules Masciotta
Tor Martigny-Sports
Goalscorer Max Melly
Corner left Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Goal chance in the middle of Servette
Mohamed-Salah Chaibi
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Shot on goal Martigny Sports
Mirza Mujdzic
Corner right Martigny Sports
Max Melly
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Abstoss Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Throw-in half opponent – right Martigny-Sports
Gerson Ferreira Rebelo
Throw in your own half of the pitch – Servette on the right
Oscar Cavazzana
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Marko Obradovic
Goal chance left Servette
Thiemoko Ouattara
Shot on goal in the middle of Martigny-Sports
Carlos Alberto DaGraca Oliveira
Free kick in the middle of Martigny-Sports
Carlos Alberto DaGraca Oliveira
Offside Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Abstoss rechts Martigny-Sports
Marko Obradovic
Throw-in half opponent – left Martigny-Sports
Jules Masciotta
Abstoss links Martigny-Sports
Gregoire Fumeaux
Throw in your own half of the pitch – Servette on the right
Oscar Cavazzana
Shot on goal in the middle of Martigny-Sports
Sekou Coumare
Throw in your own half of the pitch – Servette on the right
Oscar Cavazzana
Abstoss links Servette
Brian Ernest Confuses
Offside Martigny-Sports
Kenan Samardzic
2023-05-27 15:05:32
#League #Telegram