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LIVE TMW – Coronavirus, Serie A insists on half-filling the stadiums. Meeting tomorrow


22.28 – Lockdown in Wuhan returns – The capital of Hubei, where the new coronavirus was first detected at the end of 2019 and which first established the drastic measure of the lockdown, has closed the Zhuankou Street area. Here the local authorities have in fact confirmed new cases of the Delta variant, considered highly contagious.

18.44 – Dortmund, Brandt positivo – Another case of positivity for Borussia Dortmund. After Thomas Meunier, Julian Brandt also contracted the coronavirus, as evidenced by the latest tests carried out on players. The German attacking midfielder, target of Milan and Lazio, was placed in isolation.

17.58 – Today’s bulletin in Italy – The Civil Protection has disclosed the data relating to the last 24 hours. 209,719 swabs were performed and 4,845 new COVID-19 positives were identified. The current positives are 94,216, 1,199 more than yesterday. In the last day, 27 people affected by Coronavirus have died for a total of 128,088 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

Currently positive: 94,216 (+1,199)
Deaths: 128,115 (+27)
Discharged / Healed: 4,141,043 (+3,615)
Hospitalized: 2,454 (+135)
of which in Intensive Care: 258 (+9)
Buffers: 78.004.897 (+209.719)
Total cases: 4,363,374 (+4,845, + 0.11%)

14.20 – Too many positives in Bremer, he skips the cup race – The DFB Pokal match between Bremer SV and Bayern Munich, scheduled for 6 August, was canceled as a player from the Bremen team tested positive, forcing the entire group in contact with him to quarantine. The new date will be announced as soon as possible after consultation with the clubs involved.

11.17 – Checkerboard layout, Serie A wants half-full stadiums back – During yesterday’s Lega Serie A Assembly, Aurelio De Laurentiis frankly pointed out that on the actual presence of 50% of spectators in the stadiums, answers are needed immediately, because tickets must be sold these days. The letter to the government was sent on Friday and important meetings are scheduled for the next few hours. Tomorrow the summit between Vezzali and the presidents of the football, basketball and volleyball federations is scheduled, while on Thursday there will be the one between the undersecretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for sport and the Leagues (Serie A, basketball and volleyball). In the meantime, Vezzali will meet with the CTS and the expert committee plans to obtain the ok to modify the provision envisaged in the DPCM (“spacing of at least one meter between the seats”) which prevents the actual filling of the plants at 50% . With the “alternating chessboard” seats proposed by Lega and FIGC, 50% (for Green Pass holders) would be a reality, underlines the Corriere dello Sport.

9.32 – Three months of stop due to Covid: Celina forced to stop – For months there have been questions about the possible long-term effects of the coronavirus on athletes. A few months ago, Nantes announced that striker Jean-Kévin Augustin was suffering from the so-called “Long-Covid” symptoms and for this reason he had been relegated to the second team, to allow him to find the optimal condition. Also Bersant Celina, Dijon’s Kosovar midfielder, will remain out of action due to a problem linked to the infection, even if in his case the situation seems much more complicated: as stated by Mr. Linarès, the player suffers from pericarditis and could remain at rest for about three months . The hope is that this problem does not turn into a chronic disease, as it could mean the end of the career.


19.45Today’s bulletin in Italy – The Civil protection has disclosed the data relating to the last 24 hours. 83,223 swabs were performed and 3,190 new COVID-19 positives were identified. The current positives are 93,017, 1,672 more than yesterday. In the last day, 20 people affected by Coronavirus have died for a total of 128,088 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

Currently positive: 93,017
Deaths: 128,088 (+20)
Discharged / Healed: 4,137,428 (+1,498)
Hospitalized: 2,319 (+135) of which in Intensive Care: 249 (+19)
Buffers: 77.795.178 (+83.223)
Total cases: 4,358,533 (+3,190, + 0.07%)

16.23 – Henderson tired after Covid, skips the tour in Scotland – Manchester United will have to renounce the goalkeeper Dean Henderson in the second phase of his pre-season retreat, to be held in Scotland. The English club explained the reasons in an official statement: “Dean Henderson will miss training in Scotland to continue his recovery after contracting a COVID-19 infection three weeks ago. The player suffers from prolonged fatigue and will soon return to football. to train”.

14.33 – Fiorentina, Nico Gonzalez in the hotel for 7 days of quarantine – Nicolas Gonzalez, after having undergone the swab, also completed the supplementary visits to complete the checks already carried out in Argentina during the retirement in the national team. Subsequently, the player went to the hotel where he will have to stay for 7 days, as required by the anti-Covid rules for those returning from South America. Of course, he can only go out to the sports center to train.

10.21 – The prices of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines rise for the EU – Prices of Pfizer and Moderna anti-Covid vaccines increase in the latest supply contracts with the European Union. The Financial Times reports this, citing excerpts from the contracts taken into consideration: the new price for Pfzier vaccines is 19.50 euros against the 15.50 of the previous supply while that of Moderna instead rises to 25.50 dollars per dose, above the $ 22.60 of the previous deal but less than the $ 28.50 initially expected after the order was expanded. The agreements, signed this year for a total of up to 2.1 billion doses by 2023, have been renegotiated – writes the FT – after the phase 3 tests.


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