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live theater on Instagram from the stage of the National Theater of Brittany, on March 18 and 19

Jeanne Dark. Marion Siéfert’s new creation is a first. The play is designed for two audiences face to face, one in the theater, the other live on Instagram. Jeanne, 16, is going to speak through her _jeanne_dark_ account, and you shouldn’t miss it. Encounter.

_jeanne_dark_ is a play for two audiences. One present in front of the theater stage, and the other who attends the performance live on Instagram. This is the first time that a play has pushed for direct directing, on and for Instagram, the most popular social network among young people.


Two stagings which confront each other and which hold by the performance of Helena de Laurens, and by the work of Marion Siéfert, author and director who pulls the strings of this incredible need for expression that Jeanne has.

It is not theater filmed and broadcast on a social network, it is cinematographic theater as a 16-year-old girl lives, phone grafted in hand and eyes riveted on the screen.

Jeanne is this teenager, with problems of her age. Not fashionable enough, badly in his skin, a good student despite everything, but mocked, harassed on social networks, and unable to open up to parents who are too present.

So the day, when finally a window of freedom on her daily life that crushes her will present itself, she will rush into it. Jeanne is going to turn on her smartphone and launch a Live. She will speak, alone, in front of her camera, in front of those who will be present on social networks. And come what may.

Her long monologue, Jeanne will launch it to answer these detractors and try to put an end to her suffering.

Here is the starting point of _jeanne_dark_ by Marion Siéfert.

To not miss this moment of intense theater and voyeurism on Instagram, here is the account to follow Thursday March 18 and Friday March 19. The play as a direct is not recorded and will disappear from the social network at the end of the performance, located on the main stage of the National Theater of Brittany in Rennes.

The play aspect on Instagram has nothing to do with the health situation. This is a choice that Marion Siéfert took during her creation process.

“I had found the shape of the room”

“At the start, I had the title, the figure of Joan of Arc. I noticed that the character of Jeanne Dark, echoed a moment in my life, adolescence, and a very Catholic education that I I had received. I told myself that it was with this subject, very personal, very intimate, that I wanted to work.

Far from auto-fiction, I really wanted to build a character and I wanted him to speak to today’s generation ”.

I wanted something very direct, very immediate and that speaks to this generation. This is how I came to Instagram.

Marion Siéfert

“I wanted to compare a live on a social network, to the live theater. Put them face to face, mirroring each other, with in the center this character who is the interface between all these gazes. When I had this idea, I had finally found the shape of the room.

And then I was able to start writing. “

This text, Marion Siéfert wanted to be embodied by Helena de Laurens.

“Helena and I are very film buffs. Helena is someone who already had a great sense of framing, who photographed herself, and parts of her body. She’s someone who already has the playful experience of the image, and what it can produce. I suspected when I offered him the project, which everything was going to take “.

Instagram live on stage

All the framing of the piece live on Instagram is extremely detailed, extremely precise. Marion Siéfert explains that “Everything is in a story board that we built during the rehearsals, and Helena does this live on stage”.

In the privacy of a room

“The scene takes place in Helena’s room. Like a very large empty room, with unusual dimensions. A room designed by the scenographer Nadia Lauro.

On either side of this white, immaculate room, two vertical screens broadcast live the screen of Jeanne’s cell phone. “.

Helena is playing in front of her phone, like a puppeteer manipulating her puppet on sight.

Marion Siéfert

“The spectators of the theater see at the same time, Helena playing in front of her phone, like a puppeteer who would manipulate her puppet on sight. They see her gestures and the choreography put in place to carry out the framing.

Helena is very physical, very dancer. Spectators in the theater can navigate between two very different points of view. “

However, due to sanitary restrictions and the (regrettable) closure of theaters, audiences will have to be content with live Instagram. But for this creation, it’s already a lot.


Thursday March 18 and Friday March 19 at 8:30 p.m.

On Instagram from the Théâtre National de Bretagne

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