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LIVE: The state will tighten measures against covid-19 in the Moravian-Silesian region

Updates: 29.06.2020 09:32

Prague – Due to the spread of covid-19 in part of the Moravian-Silesian Region, the state will tighten measures in the Karviná and Frýdek-Místek regions from Tuesday. For example, it will ban visits to hospitals and social facilities or limit participation in mass events from 500 to a maximum of 100 people. The restriction also applies to swimming pools. In addition, even after the measures are relaxed from 1 July in the rest of the republic, mandatory drapes inside buildings, in public transport or at public events will remain in the entire Moravian-Silesian Region. Cross-border workers across the region will then have to submit covid-19 tests to employers. Due to the greater risk of spreading coronavirus in Prague, mandatory drapes in the metro and during indoor indoor events will remain in force from 1 July. This follows from today’s press release of the Ministry of Health.

There were 260 more cases of covid-19 in the Czech Republic on Saturday and 305 on Sunday, which was the most significant increase since 3 April. “We are directing all the forces of hygienists to the Moravian-Silesian region, especially to the Karviná region. The latest jump in positive cases is again related to this local outbreak.


In contrast to most of the Czech Republic, where measures against the spread of coronavirus will ease from Wednesday, the measures will therefore be tightened in the Karviná and Frýdek-Místek regions, from 30 June until further notice. At the same time, a maximum of 100 people will be able to attend mass events outdoors and indoors, or 100 people in each sector in stadiums. In addition, participants must maintain two-meter spacing at events without an auditorium.

A maximum of 100 people will also be able to be at the same time in natural and artificial swimming pools in these regions. In addition, for smaller swimming pools, the restrictions may be even stricter, because according to the ministry, there can be only one visitor per ten square meters in the area designated for visitors. In the Karviná and Frýdek-Místek regions, it will also be possible to sell in restaurants and other catering establishments from Tuesday only from 23:00 to 08:00 through the dispensing window.

Visits to medical and social facilities with residential services will be prohibited. Employees and hired clients of the facility will need to be tested for covid-19. “At the moment, it is important to prevent greater gatherings of citizens, so for epidemiologists we would like to ask the public in the affected localities for restraint and increased attention to their health. Many positive cases arise unnecessarily. we recommend that they wear veils if they are close to other people or inside buildings, “said Rastislav Maďar, head of the working group of the Ministry for the release of quarantine.

From 1 July, some measures will remain in force in the entire Moravian-Silesian Region, which will be repealed elsewhere in the Czech Republic. In the region, the obligation to wear veils inside buildings, at internal public events – ie also in cinemas or theaters, in public transport and taxis – will continue to apply. People traveling for work across borders will have to submit a negative covid-19 test to their employers throughout the region. According to the ministry, the reason is a large increase in those infected in this group of people.

In Prague, even after the dismantling, the veils in the metro will be mandatory

Due to the greater risk of spreading coronavirus in Prague, mandatory drapes in the metro and during indoor indoor events will remain in force from 1 July. The Ministry of Health announced this in a press release today. Veils will remain mandatory after disintegration also in the Moravian-Silesian Region, where local outbreaks of covidavir-induced covid-19 have recently occurred.

From July 1, people in most of the republic will be able to put down their veils. Mandatory protection of the mouth and nose will remain mandatory only in medical and social facilities. In Prague, however, people will also have to wear veils in the metro and at internal mass events with more than 100 people attending. “Prague is now stable. Nevertheless, we see a risk at larger events and in the metro, so we will keep measures in the form of veils here as well,” Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch (for YES) announced today.

coronavirus rules

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