If there is really no other option due to health considerations, then the national schools will close again. That says education minister Arie Slob. It already happens that some schools have to close if the GGD advises this after an outbreak, but a national closure is possible in extreme cases.
Slob says everyone is fully committed to keeping the schools open. According to him, schools can already decide for themselves that they no longer consider it responsible. “That is not nice, but it already happens in one place.” He does not rule out the need for more measures later, such as the mouth masks advice that was given earlier.
SP Member of Parliament Peter Kwint wants to know from the minister what number of infections makes it irresponsible to keep schools open. He sees nothing of this in the ‘roadmap’, in which the cabinet describes the possible measures per number of infections. “I am the last to argue that schools should be closed. But I am surprised that even the blackest scenario of the roadmap does not include anything about a possible closure of the schools. ” He thinks that this leads to insecurity and unrest for teachers and students.
At the moment there is no reason to deviate from the current line, the minister says. He emphasizes that earlier this year 2.5 million children were at home. If everyone at school adheres to the measures – such as washing their hands, keeping their distance and staying home when complaints – then the education sector can maintain this, he says.
Read the corona news from here Wednesday, October 14
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