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LIVE | Record number of US deaths, Chinese cat tests positive for virus | Inland

The number of coronavirus deaths in the Netherlands has risen to 1039. 175 deaths occurred last day, according to the latest figures from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). In Italy, Spain and the US, there are now more infections than in China.

Striking: as many deaths as were added in the Netherlands in 24 hours, have never been reported in China in the same time frame. Read all about it here latest figures in the Netherlands. watch here the interactive map from The Netherlands.

(The number of recovered patients is not kept by the RIVM in the Netherlands.)

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Hong Kong cat tests positive for coronavirus

A Hong Kong cat tested positive for the new coronavirus. The pet owner also has the virus, according to a local government employee. The cat does not yet show symptoms that occur in people with the virus.

According to Hong Kong and the World Health Organization (WHO), it has not been proven that cats can transmit the virus. In Hong Kong, the virus was previously diagnosed in two dogs. It is the second cat with the coronavirus. The first was in Belgium. That cat also got the virus from its owner.

714 infections have been registered in Hong Kong. There is very strict control. Since the first infection, many people have taken measures themselves, such as working masks for and from home. Research by the newspaper The South China Morning Post shows that the people of Hong Kong are not satisfied with the government intervention, but with what the residents themselves do. The newspaper surveyed 850 people, and 70 percent of them think it is the Hong Kong people, and not the government, that will stem the virus outbreak.

Record number of coronavirus deaths in US one day

In the United States, the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus in one day occurred in that country on Tuesday. Johns Hopkins University reports that 865 people died of the virus on Tuesday. In total, more than 4,000 people have died in the US.

The US is one of the most affected countries by the virus. The country has the highest number of registered infections, at least 188,000. More people died of the virus only in Italy and Spain.

New York City is the epicenter of the US outbreak. More than a thousand people have already died there.

Tuesday evening (local time), President Donald Trump held a lengthy press conference, along with two doctors and Vice President Mike Pence. In it, the president said that people should keep at least thirty days apart. The call was also made to stop meeting in groups of more than ten people.

Sex workers continue to work despite coronavirus

Sex workers continue to work in spite of the prohibition on ‘contact professions’, often out of financial necessity. That is what the Investico journalism platform and the medium Pointer (KRO-NCRV) determine after investigation.

The research platforms analyzed sex ads on the three largest Dutch sites for such ads. In the advertisements, 179 sex workers indicate that they continue to work despite the corona virus and 216 who say that they will cease their activities for the time being due to the corona crisis. Brothels and sex clubs have been closed since March 15 due to the corona virus. On March 23, those measures were expanded and a ban on contact professions such as escort services was also introduced.

Sex workers often remain in employment for financial reasons, according to interviews with those involved. Many sex workers are ineligible for various reasons for the support measures created by the cabinet before the crisis.

Shutdown Wuhan prevented 700,000 infections in China

Shutting down the Chinese city of Wuhan shortly after the outbreak of the new coronavirus there prevented 700,000 people from getting the virus. Researchers from China, the United States and the United Kingdom write this in the scientific journal Science.

The researchers used medical reports, public information, and cell phone data to see how much and where people have traveled.

“Our data suggests that the travel ban in Wuhan has given the rest of China time to prepare for the corona virus,” said one of the researchers. “China’s measures have worked well. The travel ban cut contact between the infected patient and the potential recipient of the virus. ”

By slowing down the spread of the virus, other large cities were able to take measures. For example, all kinds of shops and catering businesses across China were soon closed, even before the virus was widely detected outside Wuhan.

The mobile data shows that much less travel took place during the Chinese New Year, while this is normally the busiest travel period of the year in China. Wuhan actually locked on January 23. At the time, it was seen as a drastic step by many countries, but now cities and regions around the world have been shut down to prevent further spread of the virus.

Coronavirus threatens US aircraft carrier

The US nuclear aircraft carrier commander Theodore Roosevelt has notified the Pentagon in a cry of distress that the coronavirus is spreading uncontrollably through his ship and is requesting immediate assistance to quarantine his crew.

Commander Brett Crozier wrote in a letter that they had not been able to stop the spread of the virus through the 4,000 crew members and states that there is a dire situation on board the ship. The naval vessel is now docked in Guam, an American territory in the Pacific.

“We are not at war. Sailors don’t have to die, ”Crozier wrote according to the San Francisco Chronicle, which released a copy of the letter on Tuesday. “The spread of the disease is ongoing and accelerating,” said Crozier, referring to the “inherent space limitations” on the ship.

He asked for help to quarantine almost the entire crew ashore in Guam. Keeping everyone on board the ship is an “unnecessary risk,” the commander wrote. The Chronicle reported that more than a hundred crew members have now been infected.

Defense Minister Mark Esper calls the request for evacuation premature. “I don’t think we’re that far yet. We are now trying to stem the virus outbreak and find out exactly how many people are infected. ”

Admiral John Aquilino said in a response that crew members cannot be taken off the ship as quickly as Crozier wants, “We are dealing with restrictions around which we have to work.”

Boss Holland America Line fears more deaths Zaandam

The Holland America Line (HAL) boss fears that if the ship is not allowed to dock in Florida, the death toll on the cruise ship Zaandam will increase as a result of the corona virus. Orlando Ashford writes this in a local newspaper in the US state.

“Four people have already died and I’m afraid more lives are in danger,” said Ashford. “On March 30, 76 passengers and 117 crew members showed flu-like symptoms. These unfortunates are involuntarily caught in a political game. ” At least eight people are infected with the virus.

“Countries are hard at work fighting the virus and they are concentrating, but they are now turning their backs on dozens of people still at sea,” Ashford continues. The Zaandam hopes to be able to dock in Florida, so that travelers can disembark there to be treated or to go home. On Monday, the governor of Florida announced that the ship was not allowed to dock.

Bailiffs: calling is resolving

In the near future, Dutch bailiffs expect to deal more often with private individuals and entrepreneurs who have financial problems as a result of the corona crisis. That is why the professional organization KBvG started a STAR campaign on Wednesday. It calls for quick contact if a bailiff’s letter has been received. “The sooner people call, the sooner we can reach a solution,” says KBvG chairman Wilbert van de Donk.

The bailiffs point out that the corona crisis means that SME entrepreneurs have lost their turnover, self-employed people no longer receive assignments and private individuals are left without work. With the campaign “calling is resolving”, the KBvG wants to encourage individuals and companies to call the bailiff quickly.

Rogue webshops with products against corona taken offline

The police have taken ten rogue webshops offline in recent weeks. Those shops advertised with mouth masks, tests and other preventive products against the coronavirus, but did not deliver the ordered and paid articles, according to the police’s National Internet Fraud Reporting Center (LMIO).

According to the police, the fake web shops are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. They often resemble those of existing companies that offer the same products.

For the time being, the police has not noticed a notable increase in online crime, but has established that cyber criminals are responding to current events. For example, a fake email from RIVM circulated, which contained malware. A Whatsapp message also circulated about a so-called benefit for people who are out of work due to the corona crisis. With this, criminals tried to obtain bank data.

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