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LIVE | Poll: two thirds support advice to wear a mouth mask | Abroad

Almost two thirds of the Dutch support the urgent government advice to wear a face mask in public spaces. In the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond, 64 percent of the respondents indicate that they think this is a good idea. 17 percent already wore such a face cover before Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued the advice.

Of the people who do not like wearing a mouth mask, the vast majority say they would rather avoid such public spaces. 25 percent of all respondents say so. Among them are a striking number of voters of Forum for Democracy and the PVV, while GroenLinks voters are clearly underrepresented.

More people are afraid of becoming infected with the corona virus than last summer. In July, 9 percent of the Dutch still thought that the chance of contracting the virus was high, now that percentage has doubled. The fear of infection is still not as great as it was just after the start of the corona crisis. In March, 38 percent thought the chance of getting the virus was high, the poll shows.

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