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Live long and in peace: Star Trek at the Vienna adult education centers | Education blog

A variety of events related to the Star Trek universe – not just for Trekkies. | © VHS/Cornelia Gantze

The Vienna adult education centers. Endless range of educational opportunities. We find ourselves in a reality full of new insights. These are the diverse events organized by the Viennese adult education centers, which constantly strive to offer Viennese inspiration, social interaction, knowledge and education. The VHS penetrates into areas of knowledge that are definitely worth attending the event.

Live long and in peace

Star Trek has thrilled millions of people worldwide since the 1960s. In addition to exciting space adventures, the Star Trek universe also offers a rich source of reflections on social structures and challenges of today. The series inspires us to think beyond the boundaries of possibility and to design a future characterized by inclusion, social justice, peaceful coexistence and responsible technological progress.

“Star Trek – Deep Space Nine” in the planetarium followed by an expert discussion

Strike – Stars – Philosophy

Date/Time: October 30, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m

Following the screening of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Season 4, Episode 16 – Strike” under the starry dome of the planetarium, those interested can discuss labor disputes and social injustices that are discussed in the series with experts. As a result, the Ferengi Rome forms a union to protest the poor working conditions at his workplace, the space station bar. This results in a strike, which brings the rights of employees to the fore and highlights the challenges and risks of industrial action.

Expert discussion with:

  • Eric Bauer is a communications scientist, freelance journalist and lecturer and lecturer at the University of Vienna, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, and a guest lecturer at the Institute for Journalism and Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin.
  • Stephanie Lutz completed his master’s degree in gender studies in 2021. The thesis was about the representation of women, queer people, people with disabilities and people of color in Star Trek from 1966-2019. In addition to volunteer work in clubs with a queer feminist focus, Stephanie works full-time in the educational field.

The event is part of the socio-political series of the Vienna adult education centers.

Faster than light: The physics behind Star Wars, Star Trek and Co.

Of hyperspaces, wormholes, impulse drives and warp cores

Date/Time: October 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m

for free

The event will discuss the scientific impossibility of plasma, ion, fission, fusion and antimatter drives with the physicist DI Dr. Norbert Frischauf discussed.

Star Trek – philosophical aspects of the Enterprise universe

Date/Time: December 5, 2024, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m

In this event, Dr. Erik Bauer illuminates the deep socio-political and philosophical themes of Star Trek. An evening of discussion not just for Trekkies, but for everyone who is interested in a fairer world and a good life for everyone.

tlhIngan Hol Da-jatlh-‘a’? Klingonischkurse on the VHS

As the largest language school in Vienna, the VHS now also offers Klingon courses.

Klingon is an artificial language that was invented specifically for the alien species of “Klingons” in Star Trek. James Doohan, better known as “Scotty,” designed the first Klingon terms in 1979. Thanks to further development by linguist Marc Okrand, fans and many linguists, the Klingon language has contained more than 5,000 words since the end of 2023 and is officially recognized as a language.

The course leader Dr. Ernst Buchberger is a Klingonist from Vienna. His Klingon name is SaghwI’. Ernst Buchberger is a professor at the Medical University of Vienna, in the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support.

  • Klingon for beginners to get to know
    Date/Time: October 31, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m
    Location: VHS Brigittenau, Raffaelgasse 11, 1200 Vienna
    Costs: €14.00
    More information and registration: www.vhs.at/de/k/272700264
  • Klingon A1
    Date/Time: November 11th – December 16th, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m
    Location: VHS Brigittenau, Raffaelgasse 11, 1200 Vienna
    Costs: €82.00
    More information and registration: www.vhs.at/de/k/272700270

    This course offers an initial introduction to the Klingon language; no previous knowledge is required. After a brief overview of the pronunciation and grammar of Klingon, we learn and practice elementary sentences with which we can communicate simply but correctly in everyday (Klingon) situations.

Qapla’! And live long and in peace!

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