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Live grenade destroyed at the Israeli embassy

Israel’s ambassador: Will not be intimidated by terror

Published 2024-01-31 13.37



A suspected dangerous object has been found outside the Israeli embassy.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, it was a sharp hand grenade that was thrown over the embassy’s fence.

At 15:00, the national bomb defense destroyed the object.

  • A live grenade was thrown over a fence at the Israeli embassy in Stockholm on Wednesday, according to information to Aftonbladet.
  • The object was discovered at 1:10 p.m., and was destroyed by the National Bomb Squad at 3:00 p.m.
  • The police have started a preliminary investigation into an attempt to cause serious damage to the public.
  • Israel’s ambassador to Sweden, Ziv Nevo Kulman, writes on the platform X that they “will not be intimidated by terror”.

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The call came to the police at 1:10 p.m. after staff at the embassy discovered the object.

According to information to Aftonbladet, it was a hand grenade that was thrown over the embassy’s fence. It was judged to be live-loaded.

– They have cordoned off a large area around this object, of 100 metres. It is an effort that is in a very early stage, said Rebecca Landberg, press spokesperson at the police.


full screen Photo: Björn Lindahl

The National Bomb Squad was called to the scene and destroyed the object around 3 p.m., police confirm. Aftonbladet’s photographer on the spot heard a bang from the scene at the time.

The Ambassador: Will not be intimidated

In connection with this, Israel’s ambassador to Sweden, Ziv Nevo Kulman, commented on the effort at X:

“Today we were subjected to an attempted attack against the Israeli embassy in Stockholm and its employees. We thank the Swedish authorities for their swift action. We will not be intimidated by terror.”

The embassy staff has not had to be evacuated, according to Rebecca Landberg.


full screen Ziv Nevo Kulman, Ambassador of Israel Photo: Magnus Wennman

According to information to Aftonbladet, the live grenade must have been thrown inside the embassy’s fence and ended up one meter from the facade.

– We cannot say anything about how the object got there, says Rebecca Landberg.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, a decision has been made that everyone who works with the operation must carry reinforcement weapons.

The police have started preliminary investigations into attempts at gross public danger destruction and gross illegal threats.

At the moment, the police have no suspects in the crime.

– Now we are working to collect information and data about what has happened in the area. We conduct a technical investigation, look for surveillance cameras that may have caught something, and search the area. Then, of course, we investigate whether there are witnesses who can help, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

The terror expert: “Deeply problematic”

According to terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp, the fact that the attempted attack on the embassy was able to take place despite an increased threat to Israeli embassies is worrying.

– It is deeply problematic that an attack attempt like this has been able to take place after an elevated threat picture against Israeli and Jewish targets has existed since the outbreak of war, he says.

Above all, Ranstorp points to the arrests of designated Hamas members in Germany and Denmark in December, who were suspected of planning attacks on Jewish targets.

– So there is a threat picture that has become even higher. It has its basis in the very tense conflict in the Gaza Strip and it will take some time for it to reverse.

It is unusual for an embassy to be singled out, he says.

– It is quite unusual for attacks to be carried out against embassies in particular. It is more common for attacks to take place against Jewish congregations and synagogues.

– The attempted attack implies weaknesses for the embassy to function and gives signals that there are people who want to attack it.

Who do you think is behind this?

– It is difficult to know and I prefer to avoid speculating about it. But it is quite surprising if someone was able to walk past the embassy and throw in an object without anyone discovering who it is.

Kristersson: The police and Säpo are investigating

Several reactions have come after today’s event.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) commented late on Wednesday evening.

“This is very serious. An attempted attack on an embassy is an attack both on those who work there and on Sweden. The police and the Security Police are investigating who or who are responsible. The police have now tightened the surveillance of the embassy and of Jewish institutions in Sweden,” he signs X.

Ebba Busch also spoke out.

“Shocked by the information about the attack on the Israeli embassy. The hatred against Israel is frightening. Violent extremism must be stopped. Incredibly grateful for the Swedish police’s quick intervention”, writes Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch (KD). X.

Similar tones were heard from Morgan Johansson (S):

“Terrible to hear about what appears to have been an attempted terrorist attack on the Israeli embassy. Fortunately it could be averted, but it is of course very serious. Good and quick action by the police,” he signs X.

Security at embassies is tightened

After the incident, the police have now tightened security at several embassies, reports say P4 Stockholm.

The police do not want to go into which embassies are involved, but state that it is about several embassies located in the same area and that they have several patrols on site.


full screen Photo: Björn Lindahl

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