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LIVE – Coronavirus: € 3 billion exemption from social security contributions for businesses

The first major test of deconfinement, the great Ascension weekend ends this Sunday in France. From a health point of view, the decline in the number of patients hospitalized in intensive care continued on Saturday, with 1,665 patients, or 36 less in 24 hours.

The situation is becoming more and more critical in Brazil, where the death toll now exceeds 22,000 dead. The United States, the most affected country in the world, is approaching the milestone of 100,000 deaths.

The main information to remember:

> Brazil, the most affected country in South America, has passed the 22,000 mark

> The United States has counted 1,127 new deaths in 24 hours

> The situation continues to improve in French hospitals

Follow the events of this Sunday May 24th live:

> United Kingdom: partial reopening of schools on June 1

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed his plan for gradual deconfinement with the partial reopening of schools on June 1, after more than two months of confinement to limit the spread of the new coronavirus.

The return will be done gradually and by age group for primary schools, first concerning pupils aged 4 to 6 and 10 to 11 years old, said Boris Johnson during the government’s daily press briefing on the fight against the new coronavirus.

> South Africa: AngloGold Ashanti group closes Mponeng mine

The South African mining company AngloGold Ashanti has announced that it has temporarily closed the Mponeng gold mine (northeast of the country) in which at least 164 employees have tested positive for Covid-19 disease.

AngloGold Ashanti said it had tested 650 employees at the site located in Merafong, in the province of Gauteng, after the discovery of a first case last week.

> Two months to reform the hospital

Seven or eight weeks to reach “health agreements” in mid-July. The schedule announced Wednesday by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, is very tight, on purpose. The healthcare system must be reformed before the hospital gets stuck in daily management again, before the caregivers united in the effort against the coronavirus go back on their own. Capitalize on the tremendous mobilization observed at the height of the epidemic.

It is at 3.30 pm on Monday that the first consultation session of the “Ségur de la santé” (video name of the street of the Ministry of Solidarity) will take place, by videoconference.

> 3 billion tax exemption for companies

The government will exempt 3 billion euros from payroll taxes for companies in sectors particularly affected by the consequences of the health crisis, such as catering, tourism, culture or sport, announced Gérald Darmanin.

Outside these sectors, companies having seen their social charges deferred will be able to spread their payment over a period of up to 36 months, specified the Minister of Action and Public Accounts during the broadcast of The Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro -LCI.

> Government to Make Weekly Vacation Announcements

The government should give details on the next phase of deconfinement and in particular on the organization of summer vacation next week, while many restrictions are in place until June 2, announced the Minister of Ecological Transition Elisabeth Thick headed.

“Anyone can start booking their vacation. We will announce the new rules during the week, “said the Minister of Ecological Transition during the program Questions politiques on France Inter, in partnership with” Le Monde “and France Télévisions.

> French debt “no doubt” greater than 115% of GDP at the end of the year

French debt will “no doubt” exceed the threshold of 115% of gross domestic product at the end of the year, a consequence of measures to support the economy in the face of the health crisis, said Gérald Darmanin, Minister of Action and Public Accounts.

“It will certainly be more than the 115%,” he explained to the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI, while refusing to give a more precise estimate: “These are things too important to be able to comment. with a wet finger, “he said, while the 115% is provided for in the latest amending budget.

He also announced an exemption of 3 billion euros from payroll taxes for companies in sectors particularly affected by the consequences of the health crisis, such as catering, tourism, culture or sport.

> A school group closed in Villeneuve-d’Ascq after a case of Covid-19

A nursery school and a primary school in Villeneuve-d’Ascq (North) closed again “until further notice” after the detection of a case of Covid-19 among the municipal agents who worked on the premises.

This agent, responsible in particular for the maintenance of the premises, worked from 13 to 15 May “outside the presence of the students” but “potentially with the teachers present”, and on 18 May “in the presence of the students and the teaching team “as well as” on the restoration time, “said Mayor Gérard Caudron in a press release.

“Although there was no direct contact with the children and in compliance with the precautionary principle, I nevertheless decided to temporarily close the Calmette school group and the attached Reception and Leisure Center […] until further notice, ”he continues. The premises “will be disinfected and all the recommendations of the health authorities will be strictly applied”.

> In Hong Kong, pro-democracy protesters defy ban on assembly

While rallies of more than 8 people are still prohibited in the former British colony, to fight the spread of Covid-19, thousands of protesters have gathered to demonstrate against a “national security” law wanted by Beijing.

In particular, the latter plans to give the Chinese security and intelligence services the possibility of entering the special administrative region, which they cannot currently do.

> More than 178,000 confirmed cases in Germany

The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus contamination in Germany has climbed to 178,281, 431 more than the previous day, reported the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases on Sunday.

The latter counted 31 additional deaths were counted during the last twenty-four hours, for a total of 8,247 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic in the country.

> 1,127 new deaths due to Covid-19 in 24 hours in the United States

The United States has recorded 1,127 new deaths from coronavirus in 24 hours, bringing to 97,048 the total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic, according to the daily count of Johns Hopkins University. A total of 1,621,658 cases of Covid-19 have been officially confirmed in the country, the highest number in the world.

> Brazil: death toll rises to more than 22,000 deaths

Brazil has registered an additional 965 deaths from the coronavirus, bringing the total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic to 22,013, the Ministry of Health said.

More than 16,500 new cases of contamination have also been identified, for a total of 347,398 cases in the country, the ministry said. It is the largest number of cases in the world after the United States. The actual assessment of the epidemic could prove to be heavier, while Brazil’s screening capacities are limited.

> China Reports Three New Cases

Three new cases of coronavirus contamination have been confirmed in mainland China, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 82,974 since the epidemic broke out there late last year, Chinese health officials said.

Two of these cases concern travelers arriving from abroad, said the National Health Commission in its daily point. No new deaths have been reported.

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