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LIVE – Coronavirus: 29,861 dead in France, resuscitation down


The coronavirus has killed a total of 29,861 people in France, according to the latest assessment provided Wednesday by the authorities. The epidemic ebb is confirmed, however, with a further drop in resuscitation. On the economic front, SNCF expects a 20% drop in attendance compared to last summer, due to the consequences of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the European Union reopens its borders on Wednesday to 15 countries, including China on condition, but the United States is excluded. Worldwide, the health situation continues to worsen, with more than 511,000 deaths in total and an increasing number of daily infections. Follow the situation live.

The main information to remember:

  • The coronavirus killed 29,861 in total in France, resuscitation is still down
  • SNCF expects a summer “like no other”
  • The European Union reopens its borders to 15 countries from Wednesday, including China on condition, but not the United States
  • The pandemic has killed more than 511,000 people worldwide, daily contamination is exploding

29,861 dead in France, resuscitation down

The latest report from the Ministry of Health, reported Wednesday evening 18 new deaths linked to Covid-19 in hospitals since Tuesday, bringing the number of deaths to 29,861. In detail, 19,364 people died in hospitals. The epidemic ebb is confirmed, however, with a further drop in resuscitation. 582 patients are still in the intensive care unit, but the balance remains negative with 20 fewer serious cases. 8,336 people are hospitalized and 106 new admissions were recorded in 24 hours.

The circulation of the coronavirus remains however “worrying” in Guyana. The figures relating to social and medico-social establishments will be updated on Tuesday, July 7.

SNCF expects 20% fewer passengers this summer

The SNCF, for its part, expects 20 million passengers on its trains during this “summer like no other” marked by the coronavirus crisis, against 25 million last year, said in an interview with AFP the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs, Christophe Fanichet. Or a drop in attendance of 20% compared to last year.

“This is also the first summer for SNCF Voyageurs, our new organization,” said the manager. Created by the 2018 rail reform, this new public limited company was born on January 1 during a railway workers’ strike against the pension reform project. As its name suggests, it brings together passenger, TGV and Intercity trains (SNCF Voyages), TER, Transilien (Ile-de-France suburban trains) and online services, including the website oui.sncf.

The EU reopens its borders to 15 countries, including China … but not the United States

The European Union reopened its borders on Wednesday in a targeted fashion at the start of the summer tourist season. The EU has authorized flights from 14 countries from all continents, as well as from China, on the sole condition that the latter admits “non-essential” visitors from the EU to its soil, which does not is currently not the case. This list of countries whose epidemiological situation linked to Covid-19 disease is considered to be sufficiently safe for the resumption of travel, must be updated every two weeks. It also includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and the Uruguay. We tell you more in this article.

Travelers from the United States, on the other hand, do not yet have the right to enter Europe. And it is a new cold shower for the French tourism sector which will have to do without nearly five million American tourists and, above all, their big budgets. Read here our decryption on the subject.

Spain and Portugal for their part reopened their land border on Wednesday, closed on March 16 on the initiative of Lisbon. After three and a half months of closing its only land border, Portugal remains one of the European countries most spared by the Covid-19.

In which countries will the French have the right to travel this summer?

And on the French side, where can they go outside of France when the holiday season begins? Not very far, because the reopening of borders is not necessarily reciprocal. Furthermore, even if some countries have reopened, returning to France could prove to be problematic, with a risk of quarantine, as we explain here:

Airbus’ social plan criticized by the government

Another sector which is suffering the consequences of the crisis: the air. Airbus announced Tuesday a vast social plan with 15,000 job cuts, including 5.00 in France. The government immediately asked the aircraft manufacturer to review its jobs, saying that state aid should save 2,000 jobs.

“If you set up the partial long-term activity (…), 1,500 jobs would be saved” in France, assured Wednesday the Secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, on BFM TV and RMC . “We are also investing heavily in the aircraft of tomorrow, the new generation of green, low-carbon aircraft, 500 jobs will be saved for Airbus,” added the minister.

Government requests 10 weeks of mask stocks from businesses

The government will ask companies to set aside ten weeks of mask stocks for their employees to guard against the risk of a second wave of the epidemic. “We are preparing for the start of the school year and there is a risk of re-circulation of the virus (…), and we will ask companies to provide 10 weeks of mask stocks, with a little reminder that we now have French producers “declared the Secretary of State for Economy Agnès Pannier-Runacher during a hearing by the delegation to companies of the Senate.

Over 511,000 deaths worldwide, worrying rise in daily contamination

The pandemic has killed at least 511,312 people worldwide. The United States totals 127,425 deaths for 2.6 million cases. This is followed by Brazil (59,594 dead), the United Kingdom (43,730), Italy (34,767) and France (29,843). With 1,199 additional deaths in 24 hours, the daily death toll in the United States started to rise again. The threshold of a thousand dead had not been crossed since June 10.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has also warned that the death toll in Latin America and the Caribbean, currently around 114,000, could almost quadruple by October 1 in the absence of enhanced health measures.

The WHO for its part alerted to a worrying increase in cases of daily contamination. “For the past week, the number of new cases has exceeded 160,000 per day. 60% of all Covid-19 cases reported so far have been reported in the past month,” said the WHO director-general. , Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

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