The popular Japanese anime “Cells at Work!” written by Akane Shimizu began its serialization in “Monthly Shonen Sirius” in March 2015, and officially ended in the March 2021 issue, and was successfully adapted into animation, light novels and The theatrical version of the work, now the latest news says that this work will launch a live-action adaptation movie.
The live-action adaptation of “Cells at Work” will be composed of “The Tram Man”, “Symphony”, “The Roman Baths” and “Fly! Saitama” and other film directors Takeuchi Hideki directed, and worked together in the past in “Fly! Saitama” co-screenwriter Yuichi Tokunaga wrote the screenplay. “Working Cells” has a lot of correct and detailed medical knowledge, so it is loved by many school-age children and school institutions. Now it is determined to launch a live-action adaptation of the film. Director Takeuchi Hideki said: “The inside of the body that we cannot see is actually happening every day. What happened? I wanted to express the daily life of the cell through a scene full of laughter and grandeur.”
The official news of the live-action adaptation of the film has not yet been announced. Interested readers, please look forward to relevant reports in the future.