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Live a healthy diet, Ade Rai admits he still consumes 40 eggs every day, what are the side effects of consuming too many eggs?

Instagram @ade_rai

His burly body has not changed even though he is getting old, it turns out that Ade Rai still regularly consumes up to 40 eggs every day.

Grid.ID Reporter, Ragillita Desyaningrum

Grid.ID – Figure Ade Rai | who is a bodybuilder is familiar to all of us.

In order to maintain his stout body, Ade Rai | apparently still consuming egg up to 40 grains in a day.

Egg can be up to 40s, to this day it is still, “said Ade Rai | in Youtube Helmy Yahya quoted from Kompas.com.

However, this 51-year-old man has a special trick in consuming egg namely the five-to-one, three-to-one, or two-to-one ratio techniques.

“If five white” egg, the yellow one. If I eat ten white egg means two yellow. If the ratio is two to one, ten is white egg, five yellow egg, on the condition that I can’t eat carbohydrates,” he explained Ade Rai |.

Meanwhile, if Ade Rai | consuming carbohydrates, it will reduce the amount of yolk egg which it consumes.

Consuming egg it’s good for health because egg is an excellent source of protein.

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Not only protein, there are other important nutrients such as vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, D, E, iron, phosphorus and antioxidants.

Although healthy, it turns out that consuming eggs in excess can have a negative impact on health.

Launching Eat This Not That, here are the side effects of consuming eggs in excess.

Cholesterol levels increase

In one egg, there is cholesterol that can reach 186 milligrams, whereas the recommended intake of cholesterol is only 300 milligrams a day.

The content of cholesterol is also most abundant in the yolk compared to egg whites.

However, a study once said that cholesterol in the diet had little effect on increasing total and LDL cholesterol.

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Trigger heart disease

Cholesterol levels that increase due to consuming too much eggs can trigger heart disease.

Therefore, people who have a history of heart disease should limit the consumption of eggs, especially egg yolks.


Eating eggs in excess can cause digestive disorders such as bloating, gas, and abdominal pain.

In addition, launching Kompas.com, children have the potential to experience diarrhea if they consume eggs in large quantities.

These side effects may not be too severe, but that doesn’t mean we can underestimate them.

Also Read: Due to Eating Too Many Eggs, Be Careful Can Make Diabetes!

Resistance to insulin

Despite the deep fat content egg including natural fats, consuming excess fat can also harm the body.

This can increase insulin resistance, which means blood sugar isn’t being used for energy the way it should.

As a result, the pancreas will make more insulin so that blood sugar levels rise.

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