Home » today » News » Liu Yue: Make good use of CPPCC members’ studios and insist on doing practical things about people’s livelihood- China Daily

Liu Yue: Make good use of CPPCC members’ studios and insist on doing practical things about people’s livelihood- China Daily

China Daily, Jan. 14, Changsha News “Today, more than 3,400 commissioner studios in the province have been embedded in every corner of society and integrated into people’s lives, so that the public can really feel that the CPPCC is very close to them, and the committee members are by their side.” In Hunan Province At the first session of the first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, Liu Yue, a member of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee and a senior partner of Hunan Jinzhou Law Firm, introduced the role of the committee member studio in playing the main role of the committee members and contacting and serving the masses from all walks of life. Good experience and good practice.

In February 2022, Liu Yue led the establishment of the Malanshan CPPCC member studio. “Over the past year, the studio has given full play to the strengths of the committee members, precisely empowering the development of the park, and insisting on doing practical things for people’s livelihood,” Liu Yue said.

Liu Yue introduced that the studio adheres to the combination of online and offline, and cooperates with 42 CPPCC members from 18 sectors at the national, provincial, municipal, and district levels to launch the “V Light Reading Club” for the group of young entrepreneurs in the park. “, young party members’ legal service voluntary service, Ma Xiao V’s statement and other duty performance activities, integrate into Malanshan, advise Malanshan, and help Malanshan. The members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference who settled in wrote proposals such as “Building Malanshan into a Talent Reservoir”, bringing the voice of Malanshan to the National Two Sessions.

“After the establishment of the studio, many enterprises and employees in the park came to the CPPCC studio to report the problem of difficult and expensive parking.” We pushed the dialogue on “optimizing parking supporting services in the park” to the front line. After special consultations, the parking fee responded And down. “Liu Yue said.

In Malanshan, from emergency preparations for the supply of all lighting equipment for the shelter hospital, to the treatment of the century-old camphor in the park, and to the transformation of Malanshan for children, wherever there is public concern, there are committee members performing their duties. Now, Malanshan enterprises can enjoy administrative examination and approval services in the park, can handle taxes online, and can obtain professional legal services at home. Traveling is becoming more and more convenient, and business is becoming more and more intelligent.

Liu Yue said that now, Malanshan enterprises can enjoy administrative examination and approval services in the park, can handle taxes online, and can obtain high-quality legal services at home. (Feng Zhiwei, Zhu Youfang, Hunan Reporter Station, China Daily)

[Responsible editor: Xu Dan]

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