Home » today » News » Liu Jiachang is concerned about Taiwan independence “stimulating China” to invade Taiwan! Yaba Akio reveals the real reason he “didn’t hit Taiwan” | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Liu Jiachang is concerned about Taiwan independence “stimulating China” to invade Taiwan! Yaba Akio reveals the real reason he “didn’t hit Taiwan” | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Political Center / Reported by Chen Ciling

▲ Akio Yaba believes that China has not attacked Taiwan for many years, not because Taiwan has not stimulated China, but because he understands one thing. (Photo / Reposted from Yaba Akio Facebook)

Cao Xingcheng, former chairman of the UMC, and composer Liu Jiachang recently had a heated debate on Facebook on the topic of reunification and independence. In this regard, Akio Yabata, a Japanese media expert, said that “the more the truth is discussed, the clearer it becomes.” He believes that the debate between the two is very useful for everyone to think about Taiwan’s future. He also revealed that “the CCP hasn’t attacked Taiwan for so many years, not because Taiwan doesn’t provoke China, but because its own strength is not enough.”

On the 20th, Liu Jiachang responded to Cao Xingcheng’s criticism of the “3K Klan in the American South” on Facebook and asked, “You took the initiative to restore the nationality of the ‘Republic of China’, and don’t you know that the ‘Republic of China’ of China” is a sovereign and independent country. It took only a few days to restore it. He has openly come out in support of green independence. Is this a contradiction? Or is it a split personality? A citizen is still a person if he is not patriotic ?” Liu Jiachang also said that as soon as the election came, he shouted “resist China and protect Taiwan”, and the 1.4 billion Chinese and Taiwanese compatriots who have not even met, where is the hate? In addition, Xi Jinping once said that “the Chinese will not fight the Chinese” and will never give up strength against “Taiwan independence”; “It’s the ‘green independence’ you advocate that brought war to Taiwan.”

In the face of these remarks, Cao Xingcheng bluntly said that Liu Jiachang did not understand that “a country’s sovereignty and its independent status are two sides of one body and cannot be separated.” Cao Xingcheng believes that Liu Jiachang and his deep blue comrades always like to say that “Taiwan independence” will bring war to Taiwan; this is the CCP’s united front trick without knowing it! “If the Taiwanese dare not say that Taiwan is independent, then the CCP can plausibly say that Taiwan is China’s territory and that aggression against Taiwan is its ‘internal affair’ and no foreign country should interfere.”

Akio Yabata mentioned the debate between Cao Xingcheng and Liu Jiachang on Facebook on the evening of the 21st, expressing his opinion as a reporter who has long followed Chinese politics in Beijing: “I think Mr. Liu’s understanding of the CCP may not be very comprehensive.”

Cao Xingcheng, the former chairman of the UMC, and Liu Jiachang have both supported different political parties and made Facebook posts to contradict each other.  (Information photo / Provided by Chen Shizhong Jingli / Browsing through Liu Jiachang's Facebook page)

▲Cao Xingcheng, the former chairman of the UMC, and Liu Jiachang both supported different political parties and published Facebook posts to contradict each other. (Information photo / Provided by Chen Shizhong Jingli / Browsing through Liu Jiachang’s Facebook page)

Yaba Akio pointed out that although the Communist Party of China leaders often say that “the Chinese will not fight the Chinese”, at the same time he also often points out that “Chiang Kai-shek’s 8 million troops were wiped out in the war of liberation “. According to Yaba Akio’s understanding, the 8 million soldiers who were wiped out were virtually all Chinese.

As for the CCP leaders who once patted themselves on the chest and assured the world that “Hong Kong’s capitalist way of life will remain unchanged for 50 years”, Yaba Akio said that after only 20 years they confiscated Hong Kong’s original freedom and rule of “So, just listen to the speeches of the leaders of the Communist Party of China and don’t take them too seriously.”

Also, regarding the issue of “stimulating the CCP”, Akio Yaba gave an example: At the end of 2013, Zhou Yongkang, a former member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee who is under investigation, once had a secretary of name Zhou Benshun . When Zhou Yongkang fell, Zhou Benshun was the secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. He feared being dismissed as “Zhou Yongkang’s men”, so he began to show his allegiance to Xi Jinping; however, Zhou Benshun was eventually arrested because “from Xi Jinping’s point of view, Zhou is not one of him, so he must be eliminated”.

Therefore, Yaba Akio believes that the CCP has not attacked Taiwan for so many years, not because Taiwan has not stimulated China, but because its own strength is not enough. Once ready, even if Taiwan is “serving carefully” like Zhou Benshun, he will definitely call.

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