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Liu Guoliang, who is 45 years old, starts again in this way_table tennis_sina sports storm_sina

Data map: In 2019, Liu Guoliang, chairman of the China Table Tennis Association, attended the award ceremony of the China Table Tennis Open.China News Agency reporter Chen Wenshe

Chinanews Client Beijing, January 10 (Reporter Xing Rui) At the beginning of 2021, Liu Guoliang, Chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, celebrated his 45th birthday on January 10. Saying goodbye to the passionate years of youth, Liu Guoliang has steadily entered the middle years of his life after experiencing ups and downs.

“Older” and “growth” seem to never have both, but those who are familiar with sports know that the outcome of a game often depends on the performance of the second half. If you compare life to a marathon, standing at the starting point of 45 years old, Liu Guoliang, who has cleared the past, has new responsibilities and missions.

Data map: In 2016, coach Liu Guoliang, a member of the mainland Olympic elite delegation of the Rio Olympic Games, made an appearance at the Hong Kong press conference.Photo by China News Agency reporter Hong Shaokui

In June last year, Liu Guoliang was successfully elected as the chairman of the WTT (World Table Tennis Professional League) Council. This is another identity of Liu Guoliang after the chairmanship of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. Speaking of this new position, Liu Guoliang said in an interview earlier: “Life is to constantly challenge ourselves.”

The so-called challenge is true. Looking back at his player era, time has given him countless victories and brilliance, as well as setbacks and bumps for him. In the past years, Liu Guoliang has faced challenges everywhere.

Data map: The picture shows Liu Guoliang, Chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. Image source: ITTF website.

It took Liu Guoliang only 5 years from being selected to the national team to becoming China’s first men’s Grand Slam winner; from announcing his retirement to becoming the head coach of the national table tennis team, Liu Guoliang continued to continue the glory of the national table tennis team during his 14-year coaching period. : 9 Olympic gold medals and 29 world championships are his perfect answer.

In June 2017, Guoping achieved “flat” management and no longer set up head coach and head coach positions. Liu Guoliang also left the front line. At that time, the outside world had different opinions on Liu Guoliang’s departure, but for him, this was a rare “intermission”. Liu Guoliang also had more time to think about his next career.

Data map: On August 17, 2016, the 2016 Rio Olympic Men’s Table Tennis Team Final was held. The Chinese team finally defeated the Japanese team with a total score of 3:1 to win the championship. Xu Xin (first from left), Ma Long (second from left), Liu Guoliang (second from right) and Zhang Jike took a group photo on the podium.Photo by Chinanews reporter Sheng Jiapeng

As a sportsman who has been associated with table tennis since he was 5 years old, Liu Guoliang clearly realizes that in his future life, it is impossible to lack the theme of table tennis, because it has become a part of his life, and Liu Guoliang also believes , I can create greater value in this regard.

In the player era, he has received an honor that ordinary people can’t match, but too many victories, flowers and applause will inevitably lose their charm. When people reach middle age, it may be time to pursue something more meaningful. As he said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency before: “I want to calm down and think for a while. The second half of my life should be exciting.”

Liu Guoliang was interviewed.

During that time away from Guoping, Liu Guoliang still cared about the team’s development. It’s just that this time he is standing on a higher level. He is thinking about how to promote the “national football” culture, which is undoubtedly of greater value and significance than winning the gold medal.

“Chinese sports are undergoing reforms and need to find a career path that fits Chinese characteristics. This may be more valuable and more difficult than defeating the Japanese, Korean, and German teams on the field. I hope to use myself in this regard. Do more with your influence and understanding of sports and table tennis.” Liu Guoliang once said.

Data map: On August 17, 2016, the final of the 2016 Rio Olympic Men’s Table Tennis Team was held. Xu Xin faced the Japanese player Mizutani Hayabusa. The picture shows Liu Guoliang (left) sideline director Xu Xin.Photo by Chinanews reporter Sheng Jiapeng

Two years ago, Liu Guoliang, who had been away from national table tennis for 15 months, officially returned and became chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association. At that time, he had already set his sights on the Tokyo Olympics, but a sudden epidemic brought the world table tennis to a standstill. During the postponement of the Olympic Games, Liu Guoliang received invitations from the ITTF and WTT. Standing on a larger stage, Liu Guoliang also has more challenges and more ambitious goals. He hopes: “Elevate table tennis to one of the greatest sports in the world.”

However, under the epidemic, the ITTF tournaments were completely suspended. As the chairman of the Table Tennis Association, he must first make arrangements for the National Table Tennis Association. According to the requirements of the epidemic, Guoping made relevant plan adjustments. Before the event restarted, the team had been training in an orderly manner.

Liu Guoliang participated in the Tucao Conference.

At the end of last year, the 2020 Men’s Table Tennis World Cup, Women’s Table Tennis World Cup and ITTF Finals were held in China. After a lapse of 8 months, after various efforts, the international table tennis series was the first to be restarted in China. It has not only become an excellent window to show the world the results of the domestic epidemic, but also provides a model for the restart of world sports events.

When the global epidemic has not yet ended, to restart table tennis matches in China is a matter of both opportunities and risks. Liu Guoliang also faces pressure all the time: “But what? The world has chosen China, and they believe in China. China also has the conditions to host the competition. When we bravely stepped out of this step, we did a lot of meticulous work.”

During the preparatory stage of the competition, Liu Guoliang basically held meetings every day. Various updates were posted in the WeChat group 24 hours a day. The meeting lasted until two or three in the morning. When the game started, Liu Guoliang couldn’t hide his pride and pride: “I feel that the moment when the game starts is the most exciting, no less than the first time to participate in the Olympic Games.”

Data map: On August 11, 2016, in the men’s singles final of the Rio Olympic Games, Malone defeated defending champion Zhang Jike to win the championship, becoming the fifth male player in the world to achieve a Grand Slam. The picture shows Liu Guoliang using his mobile phone to record wonderful moments.Photo by Du Yang from China News Service

In the extraordinary year of 2020, the “fat man who doesn’t understand the ball” has proved to the world the tolerance and openness of the big country in table tennis, and also reflected the status and value of Chinese table tennis in the world: “The reason why Chinese table tennis is so strong is by no means a small family. Strong. We hope that our opponents will be stronger. We hope that our opponents can promote our progress. We will spare no effort to help table tennis all over the world. This is the mind and display of the table tennis powers. This time they saw it, and we did it.”

“Chinese table tennis is shared by the world” is the slogan Liu Guoliang put forward when he was elected chairman of the Table Tennis Association. Now, with his temples a little pale, he is working hard to let these ideas land.

As the old saying goes: “There will be less light after the fifteenth month, and everything will rest in middle age.” However, people remain vigorous in middle age, which is the original value of life. Liu Guoliang has the self-confidence and courage to face difficulties, the principles and bottom line that cannot be trampled on, and the unswerving pursuit and persistence.

From athletes to coaches, and then to the world stage as an official, Liu Guoliang said frankly that his responsibility and mission have pushed him to where he is today: “Whether as an athlete, coach or chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, at any time, contribute to this sport. These are my life’s dreams and wishes.”

Screenshot of Liu Guoliang’s social media.

Last year today, the 44-year-old Liu Guoliang made a birthday wish on his personal social media. It is not difficult to see from his picture that all he wants is that the national table tennis can win the championship. Maybe it was because last year’s life was too busy, or maybe it was because my career went further and I didn’t have time to cover all the trivial matters. After leaving a video of the national table tennis military training performance, Liu Guoliang had no more words on social media last year.

Someone said: “Every middle-aged person is not fighting against fate, but fighting against himself.” No matter what he gained last year, what he lost, whether he was praised or criticized, in the years to come, I hope Chairman Liu Always be a person with a pure heart. (Finish)

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