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“Little mysteries of Caen”: the incredible success of a guided tour that makes you shiver

Anne Perchey, who designed this circuit called ” Little mysteries in Caen », has made parallel worlds his profession. Eight years ago, she founded a company specializing in the organization of fun investigation evenings. “The company is doing really well, but until now we were more focused on indoor entertainment, and therefore less active in the summer. However, as I am passionate about urban legends and tragedies that have marked the history of the city, I had the idea of ​​telling them as part of a circuit allowing you to discover Caen differently! “.

Two visits – Wednesday and Sunday, at 3 p.m. or 6 p.m. – are thus scheduled each holiday week until April 24 (6 euros, 5 euros for children under 18… and not recommended for children under 10 years) with their share of stories as amazing as they are often terrifying! And it starts strong… Passing by the Place Saint-Sauveur, one of the most emblematic of the city, Anne tells how “the Viscount of Belzunce, an execrable man as I like them, was killed here after the Revolution in absolutely unbearable conditions. He was skinned with his bare hands, decapitated and thrown to the crowd who laid his heart on a grill in a public square, right here! »

Street names also have their legends

Rue Froide isn’t much better. “Do you know the origin of the name of this street? “Asks Anne” Well… It is said that William the Conqueror, having surprised Mathilde, his beloved, with another man would have punished her by tying her hair to the tail of a horse. The horse would have dragged her into town. And, passing in this street, during this sordid revenge, the young woman would have let go laconically God this street is cold!

Along the way, ghosts also appear in the corners of private mansions, which even the old inhabitants of Caen are often unaware of. “Beyond the sometimes dizzying stories, this visit allowed me to look better and in particular to raise my eyes, to discover traces of history that I had never seen, whereas I have always been passing here. There are even corners of the city that I did not know because I thought they were private, and which I therefore discovered, ”says Louise, 46, astonished.

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