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“Little kid”: Georges-Louis Bouchez’s outburst, exasperated by Conner Rousseau’s behavior

In bulk, there was talk of doubling the tax on securities accounts from 0.15% to 0.30%, abandoning the reduction of withholding tax from 30 to 25%, increasing taxation on large fortunes or even adopting a tax on capital gains. A catalogue of options more to the taste of the Flemish socialists than the French-speaking liberals. It was during discussions on these points that the MR president allegedly had this exasperated intonation.

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Contacted, neither Bart De Wever’s team nor Georges-Louis Bouchez wished to comment.

Was the sentence directed at the president of the N-VA? This seems unlikely, given that the Antwerp native is the elder of the Mons native. Furthermore, the liberal and the nationalist are ideologically rather on the same line. The leader of the MR having also, since the beginning of the negotiations, preferred to follow a constructive rather than an obstructive line. Namely, not to make public elements that could harm the exchanges.

On the other hand, it is no secret that Georges-Louis Bouchez and Conner Rousseau have relationship difficulties with each other. The two young presidents are clearly opposed, both ideologically and in their political and communication approach. And it is this complicated relationship that is said to have caused tensions.

“Georges-Louis Bouchez was irritated by Conner Rousseau’s behavior, by his way of being”a negotiator tells us.Conner Rousseau did not answer the questions that Georges-Louis Bouchez asked him… at one point, Bouchez stood up and told him that he was a little kid.”

Another source tells us that the atmosphere was also tense with the numerous leaks that appeared throughout the evening in the Flemish press. A fact that the president of the MR had already condemned a few days earlier.All the “information” in the press about the content of a working note is simply RIDICULOUS. These are working documents that are likely to evolve and the agreement can only be on everything or nothing at all. It is a question of finding a general balance. This just allows journalists to fill their pages, but it is in no way newsthe liberal tweeted.

This episode is sometimes seen as the sticking point in the negotiations, but it should be read as a twist and not a halt to the discussions. This Tuesday, the MR thus made an alternative proposal ““precise and quantified” on tax matters which is now in the hands of the negotiators.

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