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Little Champions of Reading 2024: School Competition Promoting Orality and Reading

Certainly, according to the official terms of the national competition “Little Champions of Reading” under the aegis of National Education, “the promotion of reading among young people through orality” and then in schools, as in “Pierre- Guillard”, an educational process in CM1 and CM2 classes. From the choice of the work, the extract, the first reading in the classes and up to the “delegation” of six readers for the penultimate stage of departmental selection of a reader , the test of reading in front of a jury.

A jury composed of Emmanuelle Michard at the head of the network of media libraries of the Adour-Madiran community of communes of which the Vic establishment is a local partner; Emilie Dupau, responsible for communications and civic relations for the Vicquoise municipal authority; Florence Labrue, localized unit coordinator for educational inclusion (Ulis); Maryse Seguin, literature teacher at the Pierre Mendès-France school campus.

* Finalists for the 2024 edition. Liyana, Maëlys, Milo, Gabriel, Baptiste, Paola; the two representatives for the departmental final which will take place in March being Liyana having read an extract from the book by Manon Fargetton (Author), Antonin Faure (Illustrations) “Les tisseurs de rêve”, as well as Baptiste who had chosen a passage from “Hotel zero star” by authors David Marchand, Guillaume Prévôt and illustrator Mathilde George.

Liyana and Baptiste, reader ambassadors.

2024-01-23 13:23:21
#VicenBigorre #Reading #Champions #school

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