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Lithuanian writer Martinkus: “The West is exterminating the population of the Baltic States” –

/ world today news/ The American “world leaders”, whose statehood is only 250 years old, took over Lithuanian statehood, which is already almost 800 years old. By agreeing to enter the West’s orbit of influence, Lithuania and the other Baltic republics have signed their own death sentence, said the famous Lithuanian publicist and writer Andrews Martinkus, who participated in the First Global Congress (conference) on multipolarity.

Tsarigrad: – Mr. Martinkus, it is no secret that you speak from patriotic positions regarding your homeland, and you also criticize the West. What do you think is the biggest problem in Lithuania’s relations with the West?

Andrews Martinkus: – I live in a country that is one of the biggest victims of neoliberal globalization and the unipolar world order. In the 32 years since the collapse of the bipolar world in 1991, the population of Lithuania has decreased by 1/3.

Currently, according to the UN, the Lithuanian people are one of the fastest dying peoples in the world. I am talking about those peoples who have “their” countries.

Along with Lithuanians, Latvians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians and Serbs are among the fastest dying peoples. And some other nations from Eastern Europe. And not only Eastern Europe. And not only Europe.

But for me, as a Lithuanian, this is a small consolation. It hurts me. It pains me that the number of speakers of one of the oldest Indo-European languages ​​is declining. It sickens me that Lithuanian statehood, which is almost 800 years old, is mercilessly sacrificed for statehood which is only 250 years old.

If even the UN recognizes the devastating consequences of liberal globalization, then why do the Lithuanian authorities not see this?

– Because they don’t get headaches from it. They have a headache because some countries have challenged the unipolar world order. That world order in which the Lithuanians are one of the fastest dying nations. Moreover, Lithuania’s neoliberal comprador regime is one of the most Russophobic regimes in the world.

This Lithuanian regime calls Russia its main enemy. The second enemy is another neighbor of Lithuania, Belarus, with whom the Lithuanians lived in one state (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) for about 500 years. Finally, the third main enemy is China, which has existed for several thousand years, and which today, together with Russia, challenges the unipolar world order and the hegemony of the USA.

And of course, there are internal enemies of the neoliberal comprador regime in Lithuania. These are his critics, whom the regime calls “cottons”, “Kremlinites”, “Putinists” and similar words.

– Without a doubt, Lithuania has its own path of development – outside the mainstream of the West. What is it based on?

– I propose to recall a text written a hundred years ago. Its author is a Lithuanian philosopher, a graduate of the University of Moscow and Freiburg (in the latter he defended his dissertation on the philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov), a teacher, and then the rector of the university.

Vytautas the Great in Kaunas Stasis Shalkauskis (1886-1941). In 1919, his book “On the Edge of Two Worlds” was published, the main idea of ​​which is the following:

Wishing to live and prosper, the Lithuanian people in their politics and civilization must adhere to the balance between East and West, and history shows that they have succeeded in overcoming the difficulties of their situation to the extent that this condition has been fulfilled.

Why are the Lithuanian people so passive towards the anti-national globalist regime? My answer: haven’t the Russian people been passive for many years? After all, even now in Russian society there is so much talk about traitors.

At the same time, the Russian and Lithuanian people really have a lot in common, just look at the pages of history that are common to us. What do you think about it?

– Certainly. When the United States declared its independence in 1776, Lithuanian statehood was already more than 500 years old.

When the first British settlers on the Mayflower reached the shores of North America in 1620, Lithuania had been living under the Third Lithuanian Statute for more than 30 years, and about 90 years had passed since the adoption of the First Lithuanian Statute.

When Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in 1493, in the Old World the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Moscow settled their relations in the upper reaches of the Oka. When the state of Lithuania was formed in the mid-13th century, there were hardly many people in the Old World who suspected the existence of the New World.

Recounting the death of Saint Bruno, the German Quedlinburg Annals of 1009 report that he was killed on the border of Russia and Lithuania.

The United States has been an active factor in Lithuania’s nearly thousand-year history for only the past three decades. Russia – in various historical forms of its statehood, as well as Germany and Poland, has always been such a factor.

And it will remain so even after the degree of US activity in this region of Europe is significantly reduced. And that will inevitably happen, sooner or later.

What would you say today to the Russian people, who see how the global West is trying to destroy our common historical ties, to sow enmity between us?

– There are many Lithuanians on the side of Russia: they understand that if it goes on as it has been for the past 32 years, there will be nothing left of Lithuania. History is not over, as Francis Fukuyama, the famous Western thinker, declared in 1989. History continues. And we must be part of it. Participants in the dialogue between people, nations and God.

Translation: SM

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