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Lithuanian border guard plans to build a four-meter-high wire fence at the border with Belarus

Lithuania The border guard at the border with Belarus plans to build a four-meter-high wire fence with barbed wire at the top, the official said.

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Such a fence is needed to stop the entry of illegal migrants from Belarus, and it will cost 152 million euros.

“We [šo žogu] “We plan to install it at the state border, it will not be lower than four meters from the ground,” Colonel Vids Mačaitis, Deputy Head of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service, told the BNS news agency on Monday.

He added that the fence will be fixed so that it cannot be easily cut, but it will have barbed wire at the top.

The Lithuanian Border Guard intends to build 508 kilometers of such a fence along the border with Belarus.

“We are preparing technical specifications and we will start the procurement process in the near future. Of course, the biggest problem is money,” Mačaitis admitted.

Depending on the availability of funding, the construction of such a fence can take from one to three years.

It has already been reported that Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite announced plans to build a fence on the border with Belarus in July. Construction of the barbed wire fence has already begun.

The flow of illegal migrants across the Lithuanian-Belarusian border has been reported to increase sharply recently. Since the beginning of this year, the total number of detained illegal immigrants has exceeded 3,500. Most illegal migrants want to enter Western European countries through Lithuania.

Lithuanian officials point out that the Belarussian regime is deliberately facilitating the flow of migrants across the border, as Lithuania supports the democratic opposition in Belarus and has given asylum to its leader Svyatlan Cihanouska.

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