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List of New WhatsApp Features to Try

Suara.com – Over the last few months, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business often brings some new features to users.

This is done in order to provide a better experience for private users and SMEs in Indonesia.

“We know that the convenience of expression is one of the main factors why users use WhatsApp to stay connected with friends and family,” said WhatsApp Indonesia in a release received on Sunday (11/14/2021).

Added, either through voice messages, photos, videos, status posts, or links to interesting information in cyberspace.

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Here are three new features on WhatsApp

1. Editor Media Daring

WhatsApp’s new features, web media editor button. [WhatsApp Indonesia]

WhatsApp is now adding media editing features on WhatsApp Web. So users can easily edit images directly from a computer or laptop.

Previously this feature was only available for mobile phones. Users cannot edit images sent via WhatsApp Web.

2. Link Preview

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WhatsApp develops a preview of a link when a user sends or receives a message.

This way, the recipient of the link gets an idea of ​​what was sent and what they will see or read.

3. Sticker Suggestions

To use stickers in WhatsApp chats, users usually have to search for the right sticker in several tabs.

This is considered to disrupt the flow of conversation and sometimes cannot immediately find the sticker you are looking for.

With contextual stickers, users now find accurate stickers easier and faster.

“We hope these three new features are useful for you and make chatting with friends and family on WhatsApp even more enjoyable,” said WhatsApp.

WhatsApp's new feature, visual collection feature. [WhatsApp Indonesia]
WhatsApp’s new feature, visual collection feature. [WhatsApp Indonesia]

In addition to updates in the WhatsApp application, the company also presents several new features in WhatsApp Business to make it easier for SMEs in Indonesia to maximize sales through the platform.

A new feature in WhatsApp Business is Collections, which allows SMEs to organize products in their catalog by category.

So customers don’t have to browse through long product lists to find the product they want.

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