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list of foods to avoid • Buna Ziua Iasi • BZI.ro

One of the first things to do with high cholesterol is to change the contents of the plate. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the consumption of certain foods rich in saturated fats, as well as simple and fast sugars. Here is the list of foods that should be banned!

Cholesterol is naturally present in the body and is also found in food. Three-quarters of this lipid is produced by liver, and a quarter comes from what we eat. Cholesterol is actually essential for the body, including the ability to synthesize certain hormones and structure the cell membrane.

Excess Cholesterol: What Causes It?

There are two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL. The first is called “good cholesterol“Because its role is to eliminate excess cholesterol found in the body. The second is called “bad cholesterol” because it promotes the formation of fat deposits on the walls of the arteries.

Both have a role to play in the body, but when excess cholesterol is present, it is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. And for a good reason: excess cholesterol in the blood is deposited on the walls of arteries, especially the coronary arteries, and thus promotes myocardial infarction or stroke.

High cholesterol does not cause symptoms, which is why it is advisable, in some cases, to check your cholesterol level regularly. To do this, a simple blood test prescribed by your doctor is enough. It is considered too large when it exceeds 2.20 grams per liter of blood. This is called hypercholesterolemia and this requires consultation with a doctor.

There are several factors that can cause excess cholesterol. Among them we find heredity, certain diseases of the liver or kidneys, overweight or obesity, taking certain medications, but also diet. A diet that is too high in fat can actually promote high cholesterol.

What are your favorite foods for cholesterol?

Changing the contents of the plate, as well as eating habits is one of the first things to do with excess cholesterol. Eat everything, but not in excess. However, it is advisable to favor certain categories of food in case of hypercholesterolemia. Among the products especially recommended, we find especially fruits, vegetables, fish, white meat or even vegetable oils.

To fight cholesterol, it is recommended to eat five fruits and vegetables daily. In addition to being healthy, these foods are high in fiber, which is believed to reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the gut. It is also recommended to consume four semi-skimmed dairy products every day, three servings of carbohydrates, but also fish, twice a week. Regular physical activity is also recommended in cases of cholesterol.

Cholesterol: What foods should you limit as much as possible?

Knowing what foods to put on your plate if you have cholesterol is good. But knowing which ones to avoid absolutely is even better! Against cholesterol, it is advisable to limit as much as possible products rich in saturated fats, as well as simple and fast sugars. Foods to avoid include butter, cheese, peanut oil, pastries, fried foods, whole milk or even industrial preparations. Don’t panic: there are alternatives to these foods! Butter can be replaced with margarine, peanut oil with olive or rapeseed oil and whole milk with semi-skimmed milk.

On the list of foods to avoid in case of cholesterol, eggs are often mentioned. Are eggs really bad for cholesterol? This question arises regularly, because egg yolks are particularly high in cholesterol: it contains 939 mg per 100 g. However, eggs should not be banned in the diet, as long as you do not overdo it! Some experts recommend that people with excess cholesterol be limited to 2 or 4 eggs a week.

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