Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –
Legal Plan (Bill) Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages make exceptions to a number of places not affected by the ban on alcoholic beverages.
In article 8 paragraph (2) letter e, it is mentioned that the prohibition of alcoholic beverages does not apply in places permitted by law. Details of the place are described in the explanation section.
“What is meant by ‘places permitted by law’ includes duty free shops, 5 (five star) hotels, restaurants with trays and silver trays, bars, pubs, nightclubs and specialty liquor stores , “sound explanation of article 8 paragraph (2) letter e as quoted CNNIndonesia.com from the draft uploaded on the DPR’s official website.
Another exception is also provided for in article 8. That, the prohibition of producing, importing, storing, distributing, selling, or consuming alcoholic drinks does not apply for limited purposes.
Article 8 paragraph (2) details the limited interests in question. “Limited interests as referred to in paragraph (1) include:
a. customary interests;
b. religious rituals;
c. traveler;
d. pharmacy; and
e. places permitted by law, “so reads article 8 paragraph (2) of the Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages Bill.
In paragraph (3) it is stipulated that further provisions regarding limited interests will be regulated in a government regulation.
The Bill on the Prohibition of Alcoholic Drinks is included in the 2019-2024 DPR RI National Legislation Program. In documents on the DPR’s official website, this bill was proposed by 21 council members from the PPP, PKS and Gerindra factions.
This bill is in the public spotlight after being heavily criticized by the ICJR association. They are worried that this bill will lead to overcriminalization.
“With a prohibitionist spirit or blind prohibition, it will only give big problems, like what the Indonesian state is facing with its narcotics policy,” said ICJR Executive Director Erasmus Napitupulu, Wednesday (11/11).
(dhf / arh)
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