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List of coats of arms of the historical counties of Hungary – Wikipedia

County coat of arms location map Komitatssitz Abaúj-Torna Abauj-torna.png Abaúj-Torna county map.jpg Cash desk

(today Slovakia)

Bottom White Coa Hungary County Lower White (Historical) .svg Also-feher.png Lower White county map.jpg Nagyenyed

(now Romania)

Arad Coa Hungary County Arad (history) .svg AradKoH.png Arad county map (1891).jpg Arad

(now Romania)

Orphan Coa Hungary County Orphan (history) .svg Arva.png Orphan county map.jpg Bottom cube

(today Slovakia)

Bács-Bodrog Coa Hungary County Bács-Bodrog (history) .svg Bacs-bodrog.png Bacs-Bodrog county map.jpg Sombor

(today Serbia)

Baranya Coa Hungary County Baranya (history) .svg Baranya.png Baranya county map (1891) .jpg Pécs Bars Coa Hungary County Bars (history).svg Bars.png Bars county map.jpg Cute cutter

(today Slovakia)

peaceful Coa Hungary County Békés (history) .svg Bekes.png Bekes county map.jpg Gyula Bereg Coa Hungary County Bereg (history).svg Bereg.png Bereg county map.jpg Beregszász

(today Ukraine)

Bistrița-Năsăud Bistrița-Năsăud coatofarms.jpg Bistrița-Naszod.png Bistrița-Năsăud county map.jpg Bistrița

(now Romania)

Bihar Coa Hungary County Bihar.svg Bihar hungary.png Bihar county map (1891).jpg Oradea

(now Romania)

Borsod Coa Hungary County Borsod (history) .svg Borsod.png Borsod county map.jpg Miskolc Brasov Coa Hungary County Brasov (history) .svg Brasso.png Brasov county map.jpg Brasov

(now Romania)

Csanád Coa Hungary County Csanád (history) .svg Csanad.png Csanád county map.jpg Makó Stripe Csik coatofarms.jpg Csik.png Stripe county map.jpg Miercurea Ciuc

(now Romania)

Csongrád Coa Hungary County Csongrád (history) .svg Csongrad.png Csongrád county map (1891) .jpg Szentes Esztergom Coa Hungary County Esztergom (history) .svg Esztergom.png Esztergom county map.jpg Esztergom Fejér Coa Hungary County Fejér (history) .svg Fejer.png Fejer county map 1910.jpg Székesfehérvár Fogaras Coa Hungary County Fogaras (history) .svg Fogaras.png Fogaras county map.jpg Fogaras

(now Romania)

Gemer and Kishont Coa Hungary County Gömör-Kishont (history) .svg Gömör.png Gömör-Kishont county map.jpg Rimaszombat

(today Slovakia)

Győr Coa Hungary County Győr (history) .svg Győr County District map.png Győr county map.jpg Győr Hajdú Coa Hungary County Hajdú (history) .svg Hajdu.png Hajdú county map.jpg Debrecen Triple chair Coa Hungary County Háromszék (history) .svg Haromszek.png Trinity county map.jpg Sepsiszentgyörgy

(now Romania)

Heves Coa Hungary County Heves (history).svg Heves.png Heves county map (1891).jpg Mouse Shame Coa Hungary County Hont (history) .svg Hont.png Hont county map.jpg Ipolyság

(today Slovakia)

Hunyad Coa Hungary County Hunyad (history) .svg Hunyad.png Hunyad county map.jpg Deva

(now Romania)

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Coat of arms of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county.png Jasz-nagykun-szolnok.png Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county map (1891) .jpg Szolnok Kis-Küküllő Coa Hungary County Kis-Küküllö (history) .svg Kis-kukullo.png Kis-Küküllő county map.jpg St. Martin of Glory

(now Romania)

Cluj Coa Hungary County Cluj (history) .svg Kolozs.png Cluj county map.jpg Cluj-Napoca

(now Romania)

Komárom Coa Hungary County Komárom (history) .svg Komarom.png Komárom county map.jpg Komárom

(today Slovakia)

Caraș-Severin Coa Hungary County Caraș-Severin (history) .svg Krasso -soreny.png Krasso-Szoreny county map.jpg Lugos

(now Romania)

Liptó Liptov coatofarms.jpg Lipto.png Lipto county map.jpg Liptovský Mikuláš

(today Slovakia)

Maramures Maramaros coatofarms.jpg Maramaros.png Maramaros county map.jpg Maramures Island

(now Romania)

Maros-Torda Coa Hungary County Maros-Torda (history) .svg Maros-torda.png Maros-Torda county map.jpg Târgu Mureş

(now Romania)

Moson Coa Hungary County Moson (history) .svg Moson.png Moson county map.jpg Magyaróvár Nagy-Küküllő Coa Hungary County Nagy-Küküllő (history) .svg Nagy-kukullo.png Nagy-Kukullo county map.jpg Sighisoara

(now Romania)

Nógrád Coa Hungary County Nógrád (history) v2.svg Nograd.png Nograd county map.jpg Balassagyarmat Nitra Coa Hungary County Nyitra (history) .svg Nyitra.png Nyitra county map.jpg Nitra

(today Slovakia)

Pest-Castle-Solt-Kiskun Coa Hungary County Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun (history) .svg Pest-pilis-solt-kiskun.png Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun county map.jpg Budapest Bratislava CoA Hungary County Pozsony (history).svg Pozsony.png Pozsony county map.jpg Bratislava

(today Slovakia)

Muddy Coa Hungary County Sáros (History) v1.svg Saros.png Saros county map.jpg Presov

(today Slovakia)

Somogy Coa Hungary County Somogy (history).svg Somogy.png Somogy county map.jpg Kaposvár Sopron Coa Hungary County Sopron (history).svg Sopron.png Sopron county map.jpg Sopron Szabolcs Coa Hungary County Szabolcs (History) v1.svg Szabolcs.png Szabolcs county map.jpg Nyíregyháza Satu Mare Szatmar coatofarms.jpg Szatmar.png Szatmar county map.jpg Charlemagne

(now Romania)

Sibiu Sibiu coatofarms.jpg Szeben.png Sibiu county map.jpg Sibiu

(now Romania)

Beautiful and Spis coatofarms.jpg Szepes.png Spiš county map.jpg Levoča

(today Slovakia)

Soft Szilagy coatofarms.jpg Szilagy.png Szilagy county map.jpg Zilah

(now Romania)

Szolnok-Doboka Szolnok-Doboka coatofarms.jpg Szolnok-doboka.png Szolnok-Doboka county map.jpg Dice

(now Romania)

Themes Coa Hungary County Temes (history) .svg Temes.png Temes county map.jpg Timisoara

(now Romania)

Tolna Coa Hungary County Tolna (history) .svg Tolna.png Tolna county map.jpg Szekszárd Torda-Cute Coa Hungary County Torda-Aranyos (history) .svg Torda-aranyos.png Torda-Aranyos county map.jpg Torda

(now Romania)

Torontál Coa Hungary County Torontál (history).svg Torontal.png Torontal county map.jpg Great Bears

(today Serbia)

Trenčín Coa Hungary County Trenčín (history) .svg Trencsen.png Trencsen county map.jpg Trenčín

(today Slovakia)

Turóc Turiec coatofarms.jpg Turocz.png Turoc county map.jpg Martin

(today Slovakia)

Courtyard Coa Romania Seat Udvarhely v2.svg Udvarhely.png Udvarhely county map.jpg Odorheiu Secuiesc

(now Romania)

Ugocsa Coa Hungary County Ugocsa (history).svg Ugocsa.png Ugocsa county map.jpg Large grapes

(today Ukraine)

Rotten Coa Hungary County Ung (history).svg Ung.png Ung county map.jpg Uzhhorod

(today Ukraine)

You Coa Hungary County Vas (history) .svg Vas.png Vas county map (1891).jpg Szombathely Veszprém Coa Hungary County Veszprém (history) .svg Veszprem.png Veszprem county map.jpg Veszprém Hall Coa Hungary County Zala (1907) .svg Zala.png Zala county map.jpg Zalaegerszeg Zemplén Coa Hungary County Zemplén History.svg Zemplen.png Zemplen county map.jpg Sátoraljaújhely Zólyom Coa Hungary County Zólyom (history).svg Zolyom.png Zolyom county map.jpg Banska Bystrica

(today Slovakia)

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