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List of astronomical phenomena for 2023, there are 2 Supermoons!


January 1st

Starting with the year, there are two events that will occur. First, you’ll see one of the strongest meteor showers, the Quadrantids, which will be even brighter than the brightest planets. The rains will culminate on the evening of 3 January. Meanwhile, the end of the month, January 31, will close with the Moon-Mars conjunction.

February 2nd

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will make its closest approach to Earth on February 1. Meanwhile, on February 20, constellations such as Taurus, Orion and the Pleiades will be visible at dawn in the southern sky.

3rd March

Early in the month on March 2, Venus and Jupiter, who are the two brightest planets, will experience the conjunction. They will be visible as a bright bright spot in the southwest in the late afternoon. While in the middle of the month, March 20, there will be an equinox.

4. April and May

The Lyrid meteor shower will be visible from April 14-30 and will peak on April 22-23. This is the oldest recorded meteor shower still visible and was first seen in 687 BC Meanwhile those in the Southern Hemisphere can catch the Eta Aquariids rain which occurs between April 19 and May 28.

5. August

In August, the moon moves around the earth in an elliptical orbit. It moves from its closest approach (perigee) to its furthest distance from us (apogee). When the moon reaches perigee and is in the full/new moon phase, it is called a supermoon. In 2023, there will be two supermoons on August 1 and August 31.


October is the time to witness the partial lunar eclipse which occurs on October 28th. An eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra and part of it moves through the umbra.

7. December

In this month you will see one of the best meteor showers, the Geminids which occurs on December 14th.

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