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List of 10 Astronomical Phenomena in 2022: There are 5 Celestial Bodies That Look Visually In Line

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) informed 10 astronomical phenomena that will occur throughout the year 2022.

quote edukasi.sains.lapan.go.id, there is the phenomenon of the Mars-Saturn Conjunction Peak which will occur at the beginning of the month of Ramadan 1443 H.

In addition, there are also phenomena of Super Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse.

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1. Tuesday 4 January 2022: Peak of the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

Quadrantids are meteor showers whose radiant point originates from the constellation Quadrans Muralis (now part of the constellation Bootes.

The maximum intensity of this meteor shower is 200 meteors/hour/

Quadrantids can be seen from the Northeast from 04.00 local time to 25 minutes before sunrise.

Meteor speeds on the Quadrantid can reach 147,000 km/h.

There is no interference of natural light (such as the Moon) to interfere with Quadrantid observations, so it can be observed without optical aids.

2. Tuesday, April 5, 2022: Peak Conjunction of Mars – Saturn

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