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Lions Club selects winners of this year’s educational competition “Winning with Education”

Hall. LionsClubAHF. The winners of this year’s “Winning with Education” competition prove that there is no shortage of creative ideas in the city of Saale. For the fourth time in a row, the Lions Club “August Hermann Francke” eV and its aid organization announced the competition in autumn. The seven winners for 2020 have now been determined. The support association of the Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium e. V., the Förderverein Kinder -forschung eV, the Förderverein Kino Völkerfreundschaft Merseburg e. V., Garten Eden eV / NaturkinderGarten Eden, primary school Diemitz / Freiimfelde, day care center “Kinderland” in Salzmünde and the sports club of the Francke Foundations 2008 eV

Franka Skrabak, President of the Lions Club, is happy about the good response in Halle and the surrounding area: “The many applications have shown: Even in times of crisis, social commitment is great in Halle. Thanks to numerous voluntary initiatives and associations, there is a variety of great offers and projects, especially for children and young people. Even the youngest have the opportunity to explore the world around them and to walk through our city and their own life with an open view. Thinking outside the box is also in keeping with our namesake August Hermann Francke. “

The winners will receive a total of 5,400 euros.

The winning projects of this year’s competition “Winning with Education” in brief:

The Friends of the Georg-Cantor-Gymnasium e. V., would like to found a working group for schoolchildren * that introduces them to modern technology and topics of digitization. Devices and free software are to be purchased for this. Knowledgeable experts guide the children and young people in the group. The aim is to promote the media skills of the pupils from an early age.

The Friends of Children’s Researchers eV plans to digitally increase its popular puzzle offers. Thanks to the Lions Club, an XXL wall of numbers has been purchased for the experiment workshop in recent years. In order to expand them or to create their own series of numbers, the association would now like to buy a PC with a large touch screen. The children can create their own number walls and learn how to use digital media in a playful way.

The Förderverein Kino Völkerfreundschaft Merseburg eV organizes the Merseburg DEFA Film Days for the 16th time in spring 2021. At the same time as DEFA’s 75th birthday, the focus is on the dreams and longings of the GDR population. With a broad selection of films and well-known locations from Central Germany, the organizers appeal to young and old. In this way, they promote intergenerational dialogue and make history tangible.

The NaturkinderGarten Eden offers children of the city of Halle the opportunity to playfully explore and explore nature in their surroundings and to design it creatively with the help of natural materials. For an optimal daily routine and the transport of water, food and a protective tent, the daycare center needs an e-cart.

The Primary school in Diemitz / Freiimfelde would like to set up a stand for bees in the schoolyard. Similar to an adventure garden, the area should be separated but still part of the schoolyard. For this purpose, the students want to build a fence together with teacher and beekeeper Max Baumann. The creative design of the fence is entirely up to the children. The children are involved in the design of the new learning location – the bee adventure garden – right from the start.

The Kita „Kinderland“ in Salzmünde looks after a total of 165 daycare and day care children. However, the playground equipment on the outside area of ​​the crèche children has been badly affected in recent years. The project funding now goes to the purchase of a new playhouse for the little ones to let off steam.

The starts under the motto “Nutrition meets rehabilitation sport for children and adolescents” Sports club of the Francke Foundations 2008 eV a three-month project which aims to bring a healthy lifestyle closer to overweight children in particular. In addition to sports units under professional guidance, the children have the opportunity to go through different units for healthy nutrition. The aim is to establish this offer sustainably and in the long term in the rehabilitation sport of children and young people in Halle.

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