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Lion Nestor bites lioness Maya to death during their first encounter


The first meeting between two lions in Bellewaerde Park went terribly wrong on Tuesday: a lion bit a lioness to death.

Lion Nestor recently moved from Antwerp Zoo to Ypres. The move was part of a breeding program for endangered species, in which Bellewaerde Park actively participates. The 12-year-old lion was supposed to mate with two Czech lionesses, sisters Maya (2.5) and Numa (1.5).

The animals gradually got to know each other. First this happened inside, then they were taken in turns in the outdoor enclosure. According to the vet, everything went well. That is why it was decided to let Nestor and Maya outside together on Thursday.


That went well at first, according to Bellewaerde Park. However, the atmosphere quickly changed, and both lions became aggressive. “They started fighting, and he bit her in the throat,” Van Dorpe said. The zookeepers tried to save Maya, but all help came too late. “An emergency signal that Nestor knows to return to his accommodation could no longer help.”

“It is very unfortunate, and it was not foreseen,” he said. “They remain wild animals, this also happens in nature. We deeply regret this, everyone in Bellewaerde is deeply affected. We went from pride to sadness in one day.”

There is now a period of waiting before the introduction between Nestor and Numa. The intention would still be to eventually breed both animals.

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