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Lion Nestor Bites Lioness Maya to Death: Antwerp Zoo Spokeswoman Errs in Assessment

“Two ladies at the same time are too much of a risk for Nestor at the moment”

Ilse Segers, the spokeswoman for the Antwerp Zoo, was more concerned on Wednesday about the lion Nestor than about the lionesses, the sisters Maya and Numa, with whom he would be allowed to mate in Bellewaerde Park. That turned out to be a somewhat unfortunate assessment. (in The Latest News)

“That huge bang, the vibrations and flashes of light… Some neighbors thought the Russians had invaded”

Here a neighbor does not describe the first meeting between Nestor and Maya, but a train accident in Belsele. (in The Latest News)

“Females only allow themselves to be mated when they are in heat. So there are long periods without mating, but when they are in heat, it is seven days in a row and twenty times a day”

Two times twenty is forty times a day: it is understandable that the Zoo considered two females a risk for Nestor. (in The Latest News)

“I said to my mother: ‘Mama, I am so in love’. I had just turned forty, but she replied: ‘But Margrietje, it’s not just for the bed, is it?’”

Margriet Hermans’ mother was afraid that her daughter would also be in heat. (in Day All)

Johan Bonny. — © Kris Van Exel

“I met women who fascinated me. Or who I thought was prettier than others. If I had married one of them, beautiful children would have been born.”

Antwerp bishop Johan Bonny can only dream of what Nestor is allowed to do. (in The Latest News)

“My desire to have children is a bit like sushi: I see people enjoying it immensely and that makes me want to try it myself. But actually I don’t like it”

Actress Jennifer Heylen is not for Nestor. (in Humo)

“Nestor has turned out to be a good father. He treated his boy very well: fair and occasionally strict. Actually, he only has one downside: when it’s dinner time, it’s better to leave him alone.”

These could easily be the words of Nestor’s lawyer, who paints a picture of his client in court, but it is still the spokeswoman of the Antwerp Zoo a day before the gruesome facts. (in The Latest News)

“One lioness is no match for the 185 kilo Nestor, but in that case we hope she behaves submissively and everything turns out fine”

Either Maya did not behave submissively, or it was dinner time and she did not leave him alone, or it was a combination of both factors, but on Thursday Nestor bit Maya to death. (in The Latest News)

Marnix Peeters. — © Patrick De Roo

“We are breeding weak chickens”

This is not a response from Bellewaerde Park to the regrettable facts between Nestor and Maya, but writer Marnix Peeters who in Dag Allemaal explains in detail that everything used to be better.

“I don’t want to come out as a decrepit, sheltered, very old man, mentally and otherwise”

Herman De Croo (Open VLD) also felt better in the past. (in The Seventh Day)

“I am still young, but every day I become a little less young”

Sammy Mahdi (CD&V) is also afraid of becoming a decrepit, sheltered, very old man, mentally and otherwise. (in Humo)

“I’m not into self-flagellation. Why would I overstep my boundaries? I put them there myself. When I hear it said that pain is nice with a p, I don’t understand it at all”

Marnix Peeters probably thinks Jennifer Heylen is a weak chicken. (in Humo)

“We no longer value work, we expect too many gifts, we no longer dare to move forward”

MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez also thinks that we have become weak chickens. Which he himself perfectly illustrated last year by allowing himself to be dragged through the Special Forces program like a wimp. (in The Latest News)

“In the army they think they have to be fighters and not jeans”

In the army, they especially don’t want to be weak chickens, says an anonymous soldier in the Nieuwsblad, in response to the scandal at the fourth engineer battalion.

“The army is the army, there is a martial culture”

Former Colonel Roger Housen also knows that there is no room for weak chickens in the army. (in the Nieuwsblad)

Marnix Peeters. — © Patrick De Roo

“What are we actually manufacturing? A world of plastic. Cowardice rules the seas. Our aim is precisely to create a plastic humanity that is morally superior to everything else. Even in football it is becoming risky to use abusive language. But even the Romans already did that”

According to Marnix Peeters, it used to be so much better that it was already better with the Romans. There were no weak chickens there either: the gladiators died in the arena. (in The Latest News)

“No one can handle training with Pogacar every day. Then he twists your neck.”

Even the Flandriens are weak chickens these days: Tim Wellens does not dare to train too often with his leader. (in the Nieuwsblad)

“Sorry, but I’m not Pogacar”

Another weak point: when Lotte Kopecky rode alone in the lead in Nokere Koerse 75 kilometers from the finish, she allowed herself to be caught by the peloton again. (in the Nieuwsblad)

Marnix Peeters. — © Patr

Police officers will probably have to hold back their laughter if another goat comes and says that she is not sure whether she has been assaulted or not.”

According to Marnix Peeters, the weak chickens are also goats. (in The Latest News)

“I know I’m a bitch sometimes”

Jennifer Heylen is not just a weak chicken, she says she has even more flaws. (in Humo)

“Tom is intense, he always takes over completely. That’s why I like that he is sometimes in Brussels and I am here. I can really long for the peace that will return”

According to Luigia Gava, Tom Coninx’s girlfriend, he also has a less side. (in Humo)

Jennifer Heylen. — © Nattida-Jayne Kanyachalao

“If you like peace and quiet, you shouldn’t be with me. Even I find myself tiring sometimes”

Jennifer Heylen and Tom Coninx: that would be quite a couple! (in Humo)

“I am a happy single and I would not easily give up that freedom. Also because in a relationship, it is said, you have to take each other into account.”

Or wait, no: if Jennifer Heylen would only take her partner into account in a relationship because she is told that’s how she should be, then she would indeed be better off staying happily single. (in Humo)

“A man and a woman in a relationship simply do what they are good at, without putting on a show. I’m the one who turns on the lights in the house and fixes things”

In the Gava-Coninx household, others are certainly taken into account: “Tom enjoys vacuuming and he is a very good cook.” Unless he’s in Brussels, of course. (in Humo)

“People in a long-term relationship are often less healthy. They become fatter on average, especially men”

According to sexologist Goedele Liekens, there are advantages to being happily single. (in Nina)

“Being in love increases dopamine levels and that is ideal for a sprinter. When I’m in the beginning of a relationship, I walk a little faster”

It would be ideal for Rani Rosius to be happily single and to fall in love every time before an important championship. (in Nina)

Sammy Mahdi. — © Sven Dillen

“When we are together at a restaurant at half past eight in the evening, we sometimes say: ‘There are couples who are already together every evening at 5 p.m. That’s punishment. How do they do that?’”

CD&V chairman Sammy Mahdi is still exploring the world of togetherness. (in The Latest News)

“Caravaggio and Jan Fabre are both complex men, but also great artists. I think Tom feels a kind of kinship with Caravaggio because he lives an unorthodox life. And he is also bursting with talent”

Caravaggio > Jan Fabre > Tom Coninx … Luigia Gava sees a clear line of geniuses. (in Humo)

“I am from Antwerp, modesty is not my strong suit”

Stop Paul Van Tigchelt, or he will join the above trio of geniuses. (in Humo)

Alexia Bertrand. — © Ivan Put

“My father became a baron through hard work”

If everyone who works hard becomes a baron, like the father of State Secretary Alexia Bertrand (Open VLD), we will soon have more noblemen than poor people. (in Day All)

“I have a lot of respect for Melissa Depraetere’s journey as a working-class daughter, but in our world you also need people who understand entrepreneurs”

If you are wondering how nobility circles think about people with a working-class background, yes: “In our world …” (our world!) “… you need people who understand entrepreneurs”. (in Day All)

“I once worked in the catering industry in Zeeland. Dutch people ordered a coffee and a sandwich. Flemish a five-course lunch with cava and lobster”

In the world of the Flemish people, everyone is already of nobility. (stylist Daan Alferink in the Nieuwsblad)

“Every band in the world promotes themselves on social media, while bands in the 80s and 90s would have asked for them to be voted into a list”

If Olga Leyers had been born before 1997, she could have witnessed for herself how all the Flemish bands called for them to be included in De Afrekening. (in Day All)

2024-03-15 20:36:11

#Tom #Coninx #feels #kinship #Caravaggio #bursting #talent

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